Asheville is on the map for tourists to witness the exquisite fall colors that the glorious trees so freely provide, and whichever side of town we visit in fall, the constant noise from leaf blowers quickens our visits. When will these devices get muted?
The bright side to this colorful season is that more homeowners realize that discarding leaf litter is an ecological no-no. When fallen leaves get discarded, nutrients that trees need in following years also get removed. Species that transfer nutrients to plants and live underneath the soil become threatened.
Leaf mulch provides a natural layer of humidity for soil creatures living under the soil. Leaf litter is the best free mulch available. We use the leaves to mulch our garden beds. To learn more about a new approach to conservation, ecological landscaping, biodiversity and how to support pollinators, go to [].
— Tricia Collins
This would have been more useful 4-8 weeks ago before all the leaves are down
Great advice! We’ve done exactly this for decades.