Letter: WNC needs a check on Trump in Congress

Graphic by Lori Deaton

Some may think it extreme to call these “dangerous” times. Though our democracy has survived many threats over the last 242 years, never before have we had a president so intent on enriching himself through the office or so intent on tearing down the institutions and norms which serve as a check on presidential power. The veil over his racism and embracing of white nationalism has thinned to the point of transparency.

Daily, he lies openly to the press, our critical “Fourth Estate” check on government, which he calls the “enemy of the people.” And even with all we have already learned about his personal and campaign connections to Russia, he continues to deny Russian interference in our election and continues to obstruct the Mueller investigation. The rule of law and our very democracy are threatened by the Trump administration.

Our Founding Fathers feared this very scenario and designed our government with Congress as a check on an autocratic president. However, our GOP-controlled House and Senate have proven to be nothing but wet towels and lap dogs for their dear leader. Mark Meadows is example No. 1 of this in the House of Representatives. He has put his own political ambition ahead of his constituents and the nation by perpetuating right-wing conspiracy theories for the president and assisting him in his obstructive attacks on the Mueller investigation. History will remember Meadows as a prime enabler of Trump’s threat to our democracy.

Let’s hope that history also remembers this as time when the residents of Western North Carolina said “enough” and voted Meadows out of office. N.C. 11 must elect Phillip Price and other Democrats as a check on presidential power before Trump does any more damage to our great nation. Please vote on Nov. 6.

— Nick Wesselman

Editor’s note: Wesselman reports that he is a volunteer for the Price campaign.


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23 thoughts on “Letter: WNC needs a check on Trump in Congress

  1. luther blissett

    Meadows and McHenry aren’t going to lose their seats, because the districting map remains an unconstitutional gerrymander. At least McHenry pretends to campaign; Meadows is too busy with his conspiracy theories. Every election for Congress in NC since 2012 has taken place under unconstitutional redistricting. It’s a sham of democracy. The votes to the east of us will decide how long it will take for the state to get something approximating free and fair elections.

    • Nick Wesselman

      NC11 has a better chance than you think. Early voting numbers are promising and Price has an impressive ground game. Last chance to early vote today!


    The Republicans are going to win BIG again. Your short one sided liberal piece in a liberal paper will not affect anyone. We finally have someone in office that is doing EVERYTHING he campaigned on. I have never seen more cry babies than the liberal party. Since election night when Trump stated he was going to win and the liberal news lied saying Clinton was until the last moment, you all have been whining loud. You wanted to affect our lives with your anything and everything goes lifestyles and conservatives have had enough. The incredibly high turn out at the polls is going to give Republicans a landslide again. Obama is the racist, NOT Trump! Trump has the media and every liberal in America in a uproar because he is fighting for the conservative way. He is winning too! He will continue to win because the liberal Democrat’s have no sense of direction since Trump blindsided your party in 2016. I would say vote Republican to counter what you used your space to write but that is senseless when this is a liberal paper. Republican’s are voting and will will continue the good fight of faith. Maybe when liberal’s realize they are the real minority in America, they can accept defeat.

    • SpareChange

      I feel genuine sadness, and a bit of concern and even fear reading your comment. With someone so apparently intelligent and well spoken, so besotted by ANY public figure, much more, someone so obviously as nasty, narcissistic, and morally repugnant as Donald Trump, I really do worry about where this will all go. Where you see goodness, I honestly see behavior that should be automatically recognized and rejected by all good people of conscience, regardless off political leanings.

  3. luther blissett

    If Democrats do gain control of the House, it’ll be partly thanks to Meadows and the insistence of his “Freedom” Caucus to vote on stripping away protections for pre-existing conditions. It got incumbent Republicans on record, and most have been forced to lie about that vote through their campaigns. I’d like to think that Meadows would share in the blowback from his ignorant zealotry, but he probably won’t.


    Thanks for the compliments. Trump’s character is questionable to all of us at times. What liberals have to understand is the reason why he was voted into office was not because of anything other than his promise to put conservatives on the Supreme Court. This has happened. The court is leaning now to the right for the 1st time in 80 years. He has the potential to place even more conservatives on the court. Many of us felt the same way about Obama that you do Trump. So no one is perfect and even Franklin Graham went from state to state letting people know how important the election of 2016 was to Supreme Court nominees. I also believe that you personal views on Trump are views the opposing party has much of the time someone is elected from the other side of the isle. Trump has just polarized his views with Twitter and by his disdain for the news. Although at times I wish he would be quite, I can certainly understand how the news operates because I was involved with it for a short time until I realized I could not present the facts if they would be polarized. I am sorry that you are sad, we are all American’s, even if include those nasty ones out there! In a few years president’s are often forgotten but the influence of the court has a lasting effect. :)

    • Nick Wesselman

      I’m sorry that you see the makeup of the court as worth everything else. Quite short sighted. We have a self-serving wannabe autocrat in the White House. If you believe that it’s just opinion, no different than a conservative’s views on Obama, I’d encourage you to turn off Fox News and look closer.


    I agree Lulz! Nick, I do not watch Fox news, I happen to watch ABC but see through the rhetoric. When you stand against big business, abortion, gay rights and most everything liberals think is great, the court matters a lot. We have seen how the liberals use it to do so much un-godly things. Only Obama would bathe the White House in rainbow lights and pervert a symbol/promise of God. I told you I was involved in journalism and got out because it is all corrupt. We have a entrepreneur free enterprise businessman without the corrupt political background who is now in control of our country., That scares the hell out of the liberals. Trump is the ONLY elected president to almost fulfill every promise he campaigned on. He also has done away with everything so far Obama enacted except Obamacare and like Trump stated that will implode sooner than later. So it’s much more than the court. Shortsighted is taking one thing I said and running with it just as liberals love to do. President Trump has done so much for America than just affect the high court. He has also done it in this whole time with the Russian investigation and crooked Mueller in his personal business every single day. Not many people could keep their attention focused like Trump has. Oh yes, when was the last time little rocket man fired a missile? For a president to be doing his job and giving away 100% of his paycheck to our country, well hell I guess in your opinion that makes him a self serving wannabe autocrat (poor overuse of adjectives here on your part). I suppose Republicans are going to be happy for the next six year’s and Democrats are going to do nothing but cry. Government handouts are ending too, so most of your crybabies will have to work and that will probably take away much of your free time whining. This is my final post on this matter. Election night 2018….Republicans stay in control and even make gains! Headline coming so be prepared. ;)

    • Tim P.

      Oh my. Such insight and depth. You had me a crooked Mueller! We need IQ test’s at the polls not an ID.

  6. Nick Wesselman

    If you make it this far into the comments, I’m sorry you had to read that delusional bigotry. If you want Handmaid’s Tale and white nationalism and the Trumps continuing to enrich themselves through our government, by all means vote R. If not, don’t sit home or protest vote. Get to the polls on Tues and vote D.

    • Lulz

      LOL that’s rich coming from the same group that hates, and I mean hates with a passion, white men. Check your own bigotry first. Just because you people think reverse racism makes you superior it really doesn’t. But it does wake up people to the vile garbage that is democrat thought these days. I don’t think people want to go back to the days of being labeled a racist for simply disagreeing with the POLICIES of Obama. But they sucked (and still do) so much that the left didn’t have any choice but to call people names instead of convince people those policies were good.


    Hey Nick, I early voted at the polls the very first day they opened at 8am. See this is why I did not wish to respond further. Democrats or liberals just cannot handle the truth! Blacks have as much to fear as whites did when Obama was in The White House, so get off the racism. After all it was Obama that stirred up the race card in America, not Trump. The so called redneck white nationalists are not even in the same class as Donald J. Trump, as a matter of fact they are not even in my class of decency. You are also speaking of a minority of ignorant’s and believe me I prefer to have a small minority on our side we do not give credit too than to have a majority of ignorant’s on the liberal side which you are proud to represent. Just remember as you string your harp, my vote has canceled yours out! :)

    • jason

      I can’t wait to see how the media spins the RED WAVE that’s about to hit the country Tuesday night.


        AMEN, Jason! There is nothing better than to see stupid reactions on their faces because they are so involved in the political game. If they reported the news on a neutral basis like they should, nothing would be a shock to them. I think it is FUNNY! I also enjoy watching the clips on YouTube from 2016 when they all had to suck it up after midnight and finally proclaim Trump was our new president about 2 hours after he claimed it! FUNNY, FUNNY, FUNNY!!!


    REGARDLESS of what liberal anything and everything goes minorities in beautiful Asheville believe. God is alive and doing well here in our awesome mountains. Christianity has not been lost or gone underground. We are standing strong and God knows His people. Asheville does NOT belong to those that try to turn it into Sodom & Gomorrah, but to us and our God. Amen!

    • BRO

      I hope those touting Christianity remember one of Jesus’ key commandments – Thou Shalt Not Judge. So many Christians seem to ignore what Jesus actually told them to do – to welcome the stranger, to feed the hungry. He definitely said don’t get divorced (wonder how many Christians live by that one) and not one word about same sex love.

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