For years my wife and I have traveled to Hot Springs (flinging cash in every direction while traveling through Asheville) to soak and bring back some of its fine spring water for drinking. Imagine our surprise when we found the state of North Carolina has banned the use of this pure, healthful water which has flowed for millennia from the Appalachian bedrock.
Citing an obscure multiple-use regulation, a last spasm of the bankrupt regular Democratic party bureaucracy has taken another of our rights away. A conspiracy-minded person might conjecture that some anonymous functionary, knowing he is about to be kicked out on his derriere by the voters, has bowed to the wishes of the bottled-water industry, and made free healthful water unavailable (perhaps in exchange for a cushy position with the pushers of plastic trash).
We should call upon the newly empowered Republicans to put their money where their mouths are and allow the thirsty to drink! Meanwhile I guess I will just hold my breath and take another hit of Vitamin Water.
— Preston Loch Hoffman
Burke County
It will only get worse. There is a growing element of the lowest common denominator sect that takes comfort in having the state micromanage every aspect of their lives.
There is plenty of spring water in the mountains. Be brave and take it.