Elevator operator left out

In the Mountain Xpress, an article was published by writer Kristin D’ Agostino [“Going Up?” Feb. 19] about the elevator in the Flatiron Building in which she only mentions or refers to three of its four elevator operators.

Neil Mobberly works the morning shift from 7:30 a.m. to 1:00 p.m. and Brian Moretti works the night shift only when the Skybar is opened during its season from March to October. Pete DeAnna is not a regular elevator operator [and he works at the Skybar]. The Flatiron Building has another elevator operator covering the late evening shift, from 1:00 p.m. to 5:30 p.m. Both Neil Mobberly and Enier Cruz, who work the afternoon shift hours, are permanent staff.

I don’t know if this is a nice published fantasy article or a real and true story of the elevator operators in the Flatiron Building. If I’m clear, the information provided is incorrect or missing a testimonial of “accurate information,” which can hurt feelings or darken an otherwise reliable article. Many people have asked me about it. “The article is terrible!” they say. “They eliminated any mention of you in it.” Thanks for such a beautiful and unfinished story.

— Enier Cruz
Elevator operator, Flatiron building


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One thought on “Elevator operator left out

  1. Peter DeAnna

    First of all, I’m sorry that Enier was left out of the article. He is a pleasure to work with, everyone in the building loves him and he certainly should have been included.

    Secondly, I am an elevator operator at that works night shifts for the Skybar on the elevator just as Brian does. Last season I worked mostly at the bar, though I still operated the elvator regularly and began picking up elvator operator shifts regularly about half way throgh the season.

    Third, in retrospect I wish I was a little more conservative in my story telling everything said was true so I’m unsure what Eni means by “fantasy” and “incorrect” though I totally agree that it is missing Eni’s testimonial.

    Lastly, I don’t think the article should or has been taken that seriously. It’s an evergreen piece in a paper that mostly works as a means to promote Asheville industry, businesses, and overall culture in AVL ( at least from what I’ve noticed).

    I mean none of this to be an offense towards Enier, but I felt obliged to respond.

    That is all

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