May 1 is big enough for multiple holidays

I feel compelled to point out the hypocrisy in the recent letter “Green Capitalism Still Sucks” [March 30 Xpress].

The reader decried the Asheville Grown Business Alliance for co-opting a "120-year-old anti-capitalist holiday" with its May 1 Big Love Fest downtown.

I would be remiss not to point out that the celebration of a May 1 holiday is a tradition in many cultures dating back many centuries, not a mere 120 years. Thus, if the AGBA is guilty of co-opting someone else's holiday, then so too are the "anti-capitalists."

I'd offer the egalitarian notion that every day belongs to everyone, to celebrate whatever they wish — International Workers’ Day and Big Love Fest alike. To suggest otherwise is downright silly. If one wishes to condemn the excesses of capitalism, there must surely be better examples than this, and better targets than local businesspeople.

— Ben Tacker


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8 thoughts on “May 1 is big enough for multiple holidays

  1. Big Al

    When did May 1 become the exclusive property of the International Socialist movement?

  2. sidneynemms

    OOPS!…here’s the Catholic in me– thinking it was the first day of the month dedicated to the Blessed Virgin….mea maxima culpa!

  3. travelah

    If I have to, I’m going to use that day to lay off a couple of Progressive Democrats and be green while doing it. I’ll call them and lower the companies carbon footprint at the same time.

  4. Jim Shura

    Last May Day in Asheville was such a smashing success. Hate to see a bunch of locals ruin it for everyone.

  5. bill smith

    I look forward to all the black-clad silver-spoonarchists getting hit with various projectiles this may 1.

  6. Hugh

    “First off, you cannot fire someone because of their political beliefs in South Carolina. ”

    Sure you can. Just don’t be stupid enough to tell them that is reason for the layoff.

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