A pagan voice for Amendment One

The Mountain Xpress has done a remarkable job lately of representing only one side of the Amendment One issue. I [voted] for it.

There is an ignorant presumption that anyone who supports traditional marriage is a homophobe or a religious zealot. I am neither. Actually, I am a pagan. And, as pagan, I believe that nature’s law is the supreme law. And homosexuality is obviously unnatural, except in the sense that any illness may be said to be natural.

It is worth pointing out that, like it or not, marriage sits at the crossroads of religion and politics. The gay agenda is, as we have seen in New York and California, determined to force itself on both. In California, Proposition 8 was the will the people. It was struck down by some activist judges who overreached their authority. In New York, gay “marriage” was forced onto the people by a governor who overreached his authority in a fly-by-night deal. The goal of Amendment One is simply to prevent such atrocities from happening here in North Carolina.

We are supposed to believe that Amendment One “harms children.” But similar amendments have passed in every other state in the Southeast. And, curiously, there was never any mass exodus of oppressed gay people fleeing to New York or California to escape persecution.

I encourage anyone who, like me, supports traditional marriage to not be afraid to speak up … I [voted] for Amendment One, and if you think that means that I hate gay people, then that is exactly the sort of ignorance that seems to characterize so many of the gay-agenda supporters.

— Joseph Jenkins


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5 thoughts on “A pagan voice for Amendment One

  1. Cheshire

    Your whole argument is that homosexuality is unnatural. Allow me to point you to a National Geographic article that 5 seconds on google brought up. Your argument is invalid.

    Next: Religion is a mute point in the passing of laws. We have freedom of and from religion…that same bit that allows you to be openly pagan. Preventing one group of people from having legal rights that another group has based solely on a minority status is discriminatory.

    Personally, I’m of the “all or nothing” viewpoint: either everyone has the right to the legal benefits of marriage or no one has it, hetero and LGBT all. If your religion encourages you to marry, then have a non-government recognized religious ceremony performed by your priest/pastor/clergy/shaman/etc. I can hear the heterosexual couples already starting to object. What’s the matter? What are you giving up? Oh…right. That would be the legal status, protections, and privileges that the LGBT groups are fighting for.

  2. bill smith

    “I encourage anyone who, like me, supports traditional marriage to not be afraid to speak up ”

    Which tradition is that again? Multiple wives? Marrying your 12 y/o cousin? Marrying a 6 y/o girl?

  3. khyber Pass

    Considering the amount of estrogen-like chemicals we are bombarded with day in and day out, I’d say it won’t be long before Joseph has to face one of his nearest and dearest and tell him/her the gist of his letter here. I wonder how he will handle that. ‘Obviously unnatural’ will soon not be as obvious as some people think. But I’d like to point out that the natives of this country gave special status to homosexuals. They had a respected place in society. They’ve been around a long time.

    Maybe there’s no ‘mass exodus’ of gays, because this country gives all people the right to live in whatever state they prefer. So far. Gays are not about to let the radical right religious zealots, whether Christian, Muslim, pagan, or rock worshippers, push them around and out. As Americans, they can live anywhere, so far, and I’d rather have them for neighbors than the judgmental souls who think themselves wise enough to tell who they think is ‘natual’ and who is not.
    Also, “activist judges’ are complained about only when they are “activist” in a direction the complainer objects to. I’m pretty sick of radical right-wing activist judge on SCOTUS. They are turning this country fascist, which is what we get when the corporations have more money and power than the government. The fascists had it in for homosexuals, too. Then who? The infirm, the gypsy, the Jew…..
    What’s next? Laws that put homosexuals in their proper place- prison or worse- I expect. The trail is well-worn….

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