Sen. Burr’s voting record is spotty (except when it comes to making money)

In “Sen. Richard Burr Responds to Aug. 10 Letter in Xpress,” [Aug. 18], Sen. Burr claims that he would have voted for extending unemployment benefits for the chronically jobless, if only government cuts had been made in other areas. He doesn’t say what other areas these might be. Judging from his voting record, however, it appears that they would include children’s health benefits, enforcing workplace equality, and protecting the environment — all of which he voted against.

On the other hand, he did vote for the $1.75 billion extension of the obsolete F-22 fighter aircraft, a program that our Department of Defense did not even support. So it seems that the government cuts he would endorse come from programs that help people, whereas government programs that benefit defense contractors and corporations are off limits.

This leads me to wonder whom Sen. Burr really represents. Is it the people who will vote in the next election, or the corporations that fund his campaign?

— Leonard Carrier


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11 thoughts on “Sen. Burr’s voting record is spotty (except when it comes to making money)

  1. UnaffiliatedVoter

    Did you call his office and ask them? That is your best method of getting your question answered.

  2. Hey Leonard...

    Hey Leonard, Burr co-wrote numerous bills that were rejected by the Democrats. I am sure your answer can be found within those documents. Here, I can help. :::Google::: It looks like he wanted to use unspent “stimulus” funds along with pork and other wasted government spending. No where does it mention children’s health care benefits.

    Why don’t you do a little research before ignorantly mouthing off in front of the entire city.

  3. Hey Leonard...

    Hey Leonard, Burr co-wrote numerous bills that were rejected by the Democrats. I am sure your answer can be found within those documents. Here, I can help. :::Google::: It looks like he wanted to use unspent “stimulus” funds along with pork and other wasted government spending. No where does it mention children’s health care benefits.

    Why don’t you do a little research before ignorantly mouthing off in front of the entire city.

  4. John Hill

    Senator Burr at least isn’t taxing working folks into the poor house. Liberal democrats think big government can fix every ill in society. And they think YOU should pay for it. After all, they know better how to spend the fruits of your labor than you do. NOT!

    Get a clue everyone. This Obama recession/depression economy isn’t going to change for the better until we change course. Tax breaks and more freedom ALWAYS floats the economy up! Vote as if your standard of living depends on it. Because it does! Vote to re-elect Senator Burr.

  5. Johnny

    For John Hill, I’m wondering which part of the Bush years you’re failing to understand?

    Is it that Bush came into office with a balanced budget and then promptly got us into two multi-trillion dollar wars we’re still mired in (and were funded with borrowed money), gave out too many completely un-funded tax breaks, seriously increased the size of the U.S. Government beyond anything that had ever been seen before, and oversaw and heavily promoted the housing bubble?

    One doesn’t undo the popping of an asset bubble like the housing collapse overnight, I’m afraid, and while you’d like to blame Obama for this economy, most intelligent people know better.

  6. dickyfauge

    How it is that you people can blame the republican party for this recession? This whole thing started with Jimmy Carter, was made worse by Slick Willie and now you have elected aperson with no experience. People, you had a choice in the McCain/Palin ticket, but noooo you wanted change. Well by the gods, now you have it…..a world wide recession brought on by your holistic utopian thinking. Well, its not too late to vote for Sen. Richard Burr, a well respected, highly smart type person of excellent character who is not afraid to make the hard choices for america. Lower taxes, privitizing social security and the freedom to bear arms which is even as we speak being threatened by the secular naysayers who love abortion but hate guns. He is in favor of executing criminals when needed and is very hard on crime. When confronted with the threat to america posed by gay marriage, he stood up for normal god fearing christian men and women everywhere and said no, no ,no! Senn Burr knows that we need to give some tough love to these folks who want to sit around and draw benefits. We all know there’s jobs aplenty for them that want them! So vote republican and lets take back america!!!

  7. dickyfauge

    Sorry about that picture, I meant to do this

    Does this look like your utopia jtwjr.

  8. TimoB

    Senator Burr and the rest of the angry republicans are showing a complete lack of leadership. Our country is in a huge recession and Burr and his fellow republicans can only say no no no and obstruct any legislation that would help us working folks. The party of no has to go!

  9. Hank Kennesaw

    R.Bernier: “If I recall right, Mr.Burr has held Town Halls were Ms.Hagan has not but then again Mr.Shuler will not do them as well.”

    Right you are Mr Bernier. Senator Burr has held town hall meetings. Our democrat politicians do not hold them, and will not hold them, especially before this election. Because the public clearly sees the democrats “are wearing no clothes”, as the nursery story goes. And the democrat have acted like entitled elitists, both locally and nationally.

    I am voting for Senator Burr, who has done a good job of representing the PEOPLE of North Carolina. The last thing we need is another democrat in office, especially a federal level office.

  10. Johnny

    Ah yes, the Republicans…. Fat, white, scared of losing their white majority while drumming up all sorts of hatred **on purpose** at the same time they call themselves Christian.

    It’s a party that’s bought and paid for by the wealthy elite and must resort to divisive wedge issues and support from the socially conservative religious fruitcakes (with no sense of our Constitution) to get votes from the undereducated masses.

    When a Republican comes along who actually wants to govern and engage in dialogue about fiscal responsibility and individual liberties then that’ll be a far brighter day than we have now in our great country.

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