Don’t listen to the party of “No!”

To paraphrase Harry Truman, anyone who votes Republican ought to have his (or her) head examined.

Sure the country is in a mess, but think about it – it didn't happen overnight (the last two years). Coming out of the 1990s, we were on the road to fiscal responsibility. But then what happened?

It was Republican Phil Gramm who got the banks deregulated, allowing the sub-prime mortgage mess. It was a Republican Congress who passed the Medicare Part D (with the “donut hole” and no price controls or government discount). It was a Republican Congress that drastically reduced taxes on the top 1 percent. It was a Republican president who got us into two endless wars (I guess he couldn't remember Vietnam) without asking us to pay for them (Yeah, someone has to cover the cost of these foreign entanglements). And it was the Republican-led Congress that passed the “bank bail-out” bill before our current president took over.


Yes, there were surely plenty of complicit Democrats involved, I won't deny it. And some [members] of the current administration are worthy of criticism, but we've at least started digging out of the ditch we were run into over the previous eight years. What programs would the Republicans have instituted had they been in power the last two years? … I'll bet it would be more of the same — cut taxes on the wealthy, and cut services to everyone else.

Think about it.

— Gred Gross


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7 thoughts on “Don’t listen to the party of “No!”

  1. Piffy!

    How anyone could justify voting Republican after the Bush years really is beyond me. And I say that as someone who generally despises the Democrats.

  2. UnaffiliatedVoter

    The two most EVIL forces that dominate our country negatively are the democrats and republicans.

    Why dont the real people citizens, especially the UNaffiliated rally to abolish and OUTLAW these two groups that control us? America was NEVER meant to be controlled by only two political parties. In fact, NO political parties would be best. Will the clueless followers ever get it?
    When the people lead, the leaders will follow!
    Dont EVER vote for another NC democrat if you want some real change now.

  3. Clyde Hunnicutt

    Oh yes, indeed, let’s all keep the blinders on and let Obama and his democrat helpers finish the country off. Don’t listen to those opposed to Obama’s national socialist healthcare disaster, his pulling down our guard on national defense, his gross mishandling of the economy, his refusal to fix unemployment an dcreate jobs while he goes on expensive vacations seemingly every other weekend. Just keep the blinders on. NOT!

    We need fresh blood. Jeff Miller, for instance. he has never been a politician. He is a hard working local small businessman. It’s the professional political class that’s the problem. Change course before it’s too late! Vote YES for change in November!

  4. dickyfauge

    I’m with you Clyde, we need another war to get us out of this slump. The O’boy caaint figure out what we know is just common sense. That healtyh care disaster is allready causing untold problems accross the nation. Doctors are going out of business and hospitals are closing everywhere because of the socialistics. People are haaving to wait for hours sometimes to get madicle care. Doctors are quiting because they caint make enough money. I feel sorry for them. Without the rich people to look out for us, what will we do Clyde? They need a tax cut so they will be nice to us. If they hadnit given loans to black people we wouldn’t have these housing problems. The Oboy could fix the economy in a second if he wanted to. he just wants to pull us down into comunisms. You know he knows all he has to do is give rich persons a tax break and cut out all them social pogroms and we would be good to go!

  5. dickyfauge

    And let me say this about that saying NO! I saw Sara Paylin on tv last night speaking about the Iowa republicans and the election. She said we have to be the party of NO when the liberals want to sosialize the health. They want everybody to have health care and thats just not right. Why should they have health care when they aint rich? I f I was rich, I would have it too. I can always go to the hospital. We got to say NO when they want to give free health to the imegrants. In AMERICA we work hard to get rich and if we caint we dont complain about it we just suffer cause at least we aint imegrants. If you dont get rich in AMERICA you just didnt work hard enough! Thats all. (git back to me Clyde the boys is clomping at the bit)

  6. dhalgren

    Well Mr. Honeycutt, looks as if you’ve found yourself a friend (Mr. Fauge) who obviously shares your rather myopic world view. I’m finding it difficult to decide which of you is more ridiculously wrong headed about just about everything that we’ve been discussing. First of all Mr. H., the country isn’t falling apart. According to the latest information, the recession is over and things are slowly improving and in spite of all your doomsday proselytizing, the world didn’t end when President Obama was able to pass the health care bill. I’m sorry, but it looks as if we’re going to have to drag all you nabobs of negativity kicking and screaming into the twenty first century! And to you Mr. Fauge, I say that no matter how many ridge runners you’ve gathered, there is not going to be another civil war. I wish you and Clyde and those of your kind could just get over the loss of the war between the states. You lost because your cause was not just. (not to mention the fact that you boys ain’t exactly the sharpest knives in the drawer)

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