Don Yelton, problem solvent

Thanks for keeping the community updated on the tragedy in slow motion happening at CTS [“Going Green,” Sept. 21 Xpress]. Don Yelton, a conservative talk-show host and political aspirant, brings up an interesting, yet straightforward scientific question: Will demolishing the building widen the scope of the already terrible industrial pollution on Mills Gap Road? Considering that the company sprayed TCE on gravel roads to keep the dust down, I'm not sure how much worse it could get, but hey, I'm not a scientist.

Neither is Mr. Yelton an environmental scientist. I'd be interested to see that question answered, with fact and not politics. However, Mr. Yelton did bring the specter of politics up with his display of disingenuous grandstanding. I'm glad to see that all these anti-state capitalists are growing a conscience and care enough about environmental issues to take real stands on our water quality. Who does he think that he is fooling with his utter lack of shame? Out of one side of their mouths, these types preach the laudable benefits of free-market capitalism, unhindered by labor rights, environmental protection, and an equitable tax burden and out of the other they criticize the actions of the very institutions they propose to demolish as ineffective. That's the strategy, folks: de-fund and de-fang, wait for catastrophe, cry that regulations or public institutions of any sort are ineffective and go for another round of “creative” destruction.

It is mind-boggling in its cynicism. While this strategy has many advantages, not the least of which is the short attention span of the public, I doubt that the residents whose drinking and showering water is now carcinogenic suffer from this amnesia. Thank goodness our county didn't elect this intellectually dishonest man to public office. Remember folks — a long memory is the most radical idea in America.

— Martin Ramsey


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3 thoughts on “Don Yelton, problem solvent

  1. How does the writer draw the conclusion that Mr. Yelton is anti-state or a capitalist?

    Ask him if he favors DOMA or ending prohibition.

  2. GuyMontag

    From the EPA:
    The cancer epidemiology for trichloroethylene has grown in recent years with several large, well-designed studies being published. A recent analysis of available epidemiological studies reports trichloroethylene exposure to be associated with several types of cancers in humans, especially kidney, liver, cervix, and lymphatic system. Consistency across epidemiological studies is strongest for an association between trichloroethylene exposure and kidney cancer. These results are supported by recent molecular epidemiology studies showing specific renal cell mutations found primarily in renal cell carcinoma patients exposed to trichloroethylene.

    Ref: U.S. Environmental Protection Agency. Trichloroethylene Health Risk Assessment: Synthesis and Characterization. External Review Draft. EPA/600/P-01/002A. Office of Research and Development, Washington, DC. August 2001.

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