Educate yourselves about “chemtrails”

Noticed the “Frankensky” over Asheville lately? Those white streaks in the sky are chemtrails (chemical trails), also known as stratospheric geo-engineering. Unlike jet contrails, which disappear in a few minutes, these trails start to expand and cover the sky with a milky white film of a toxic brew of chemicals, mainly aluminum, barium and strontium, and other materials such as arsenic, titanium and thorium have been found in samples.

Geo-engineering has been going on for more than a decade and is accelerating with the U.S. spending billions of dollars on it. The whole sky becomes a criss-cross of white chemical streaks. This aerial spraying is happening all over the world. Why?

The main reason given by geo-engineers is to combat global warming by spraying the sky with particles of these heavy metals to reflect the sun's rays away from earth.

However, other scientists say this blanket of spray is actually keeping heat trapped on the planet. So, why? There are some pretty Machiavellian theories floating around on the Internet. One thing is for sure: The fallout of these heavy metal particulates to earth is making people very sick.

Illnesses and deaths linked directly to chemtrail spraying are numerous and varied, including a horrific disease called Morgellons. These chemicals are in the air you breathe, the water you drink and the soil your food is grown in.

Birds are falling dead out of the sky; trees and crops are dying, and so are we. Educate yourselves — there are numerous websites such as, and Please go to to sign their petition to the White House to stop this toxic spraying.

Wake up, look up, speak up and take action — before it's too late for all of us.

— Joan Deaver


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36 thoughts on “Educate yourselves about “chemtrails”

  1. vj

    Both this email and the websites listed are a very good example of conspiracy paranoia. On the websites listed as proof of the dangers of cam-trails, all of the evidence is opinion and supposition. There is no actual evidence. There are people and studies and agencies mentioned. However, the mentions are merely cursory for the purpose of miss direction. There is no follow through to actual facts proving the points of the conspiracy.
    So thousands of Government and military employees, chemical manufacturing employees, etc., are endangering the people of this country…including their own children, family and friends!! This is only the least of the problems with this conspiracy theory. I also note that the websites listed have links to every kooky conspiracy theory out there.
    I understand how some people just love this stuff, but, does the Mountain Express really want to waste ink (or even cyber ink) on this????? Or, perhaps, the Mountain Express does! It conspired to get me to register on their site so I could respond to this!! Good marketing!!! vj

    • The Pragmatist

      vj…I doubt you really exist, and if you do, you are likely a government plant trying to dissuade people from discovering the truth about chemtrails. We know the relations to HAARP, geoengineering, and the intent to actually warm the planet so the mega corporations can get to the resources on the north pole. Sure it sounds like a fantasy…which is exactly why most people can’t conceive of this being real. There are highly respected engineers, doctors, and researchers who have been studying this phenomenon for decades, and your quick attempt to dispel this as fake tells us what your demeanor is. You are what is called a Type 1 learner…you learn things based on your emotion and stick with your beliefs even in the face of overwhelming evidence that you are wrong. Sadly, if we are right, we all will perish in a horrifying death cycle. If we are wrong, you all can laugh at us. The difference is those of us who are in the know can contemplate this and understand both sides of the argument and know that chemtrails are real, killing off species of animals, bugs, plants and trees, and are the cause of many diseases like autism and Alzheimer’s, which are being shown to be caused greatly by aluminum in the brain. And aluminum is known to be one of the major chemicals in chemtrails. The metals in the air increase the known conductivity of the atmosphere, and allow the HAARP systems to change weather patterns, create hurricanes, cause drought, cause floods, and more. One simply needs to ask questions about all this and get the answers…the answers usually spell out how real this is. For example, one has to ask the question ‘why would Monsanto have gotten a patent recently from the government for seeds they’ve created that will grow in aluminum polluted soils?’ Why not egg nog polluted soils, or perfume polluted soils? There are way too many people who are infinitely more intelligent than you could ever dream of being who are at the forefront of this issue and aren’t backing down. Maybe you should back down and let those of us who know what is going on to try to get something done. Even you will benefit from and changes WE can bring about. Must feel nice to be a freeloader, eh? When the spraying continues to keep getting worse, keep it in mind that maybe it’s not a cold or allergies you have. It might be simply all the metals and salts that are being sprayed falling on us all. If you get sick from this stuff and blame nature, you’re a fool. Good luck with that.

      • Miguel Antonio

        I have recently been in a real life Sci-fi nightmare of morgellions. A good friend educated me back in 2013. Almost 7 years later and i remember her telling me like it was yesterday. First…. I know it exits and i have documneted it. Recorded and studied, contained and been in hell. I recored a live video of what looks like a real life sentinel, striaght out of a movie. It emitts light, trolls and creeps. They move amd hide in plain sight. I had sighted and documented a Ufo experience from 5/5/20. It was posted and the information interviewed. I was at the right place at the right time. Have a video and some pictures. I started putting my camera and phone set up to record and sight meteros and possoble ufos. What i found was the devils play ground. Fibers coming down like a Blizzard, Shapes, spirals, worm like fibers. I had most of the info sent amd locked away but i have footage. Its a very scary thing to admitt, watch, then see. Who to tell or ask ? Its serious most people should probably take the the blue pill. I stand up for what i believe in and stay true stating fact .

      • Linda

        I was sleeping outside tonight in Mn. Under the skies and I am extremely sensitive of smells , odors . I woke up several times tonight because of this it was so horrible my nose hurts and my teeth feel numb, my roof of my mouth hurts and my tongue feels funny. I feel rather sick and I KNOW it’s from the garbage in the sky settling , the sky has the white trails you can see them in the night sky. It’s been going on since 11 pm it’s 1:40 am right now I had to go in the house an hour ago because it’s bothering me so much! It’s real

      • Skybird

        I agree! To many people now now the truth and the Govt is exposed not only on air quality and Control .., but our Food Source and more brings people to thier pharma! They will kill the Whole planet or Stay Rich trying! The question is how did a nation allow such a Small govt to each state of powerful people allow this! They pulled if a hitler move in Silence

    • Noah

      Take a look at the patents for geo-engineering.

      A US Patent #3630950 created in 1971 for:

      “A combustible composition for generating aerosols for the control and modication of weather conditions consisting of a readily oxidizable substance selected from the group consisting of aluminum, magnesium, alkalimetals and alkaline earth metals.
      (a) inorganic and organic nitrates; special mention is made of sodium and potassium nitrates which have proved particularly useful;
      (b) sulphur or sulphur-containing substances; or also in the following ones:

      (0) alkali-metal or ammonium chlorates and perchlorates;

      (d) chlorinated hydrocarbons such as carbon tetrachloride and chloroform;

      (e) peroxides.


      And just one of the many examples of the US conducting this spraying on its own soil, In 2003 the Kansas Water Office spent $156,000 on weather modification contracts for pilots to release silver iodideinto clouds to reduce crystal formation.

      *Source: Governor’s Budget Report FY-2010 page 328 and “Cloud-seeding gets a failing grade” San Antonio Express-News, October 20, 2003.

      • Lloyd

        I am appalled at the amount of tax dollars that are spent every year on this deadly spraying in our skies. The amount of fuel that is wasted and minerals that are being depleted is astronomical. My family and I are constantly dealing with allergies and eye problems due to this toxic material that is delivered to our atmosphere on a daily basis.
        I am praying and trying to wake people up about this horrible program that is being perpetrated on our country and throughout the world. It is yet one of the many ways they use out money to permote population control.

    • Power Boothe

      Anyone who doesn’t know chemtrails are real by now is in total denial !!!!

    • Julie

      The chem trails are the smallest of truths imposed by the government intentionally. Yes the chem trails are poisonous to us and plants animals water soil … We’ll all lack the sunlight too… We’re nutrition deficient now..all of us…even our food….

      Yes weather modification is happening. Look at the haze that miraculously holds flash flood amounts…. It’s funny how there’s long fake thunder for 2 hours straight with it.. no real temperature change. Hardly any wind.. no radars forecast for it, yet it appears.. dumps… Hollow thunder and flashes instead of actually lightning… And it just stopped going nowhere.. tell me what’s behind the haze…?? The normal real clouds just fluffy white and calm are what you can see behind the fake haze. Did you notice the dome edge or the cloaked square and triangle crafts in the clouds lately?? Like I said, the chem trails are the petty part of what they are doing, but I still don’t want us starving with full bellies.

      Figure out what’s constantly underground and above you and you’ll see the plans are diabolical. .. ..

    • Peter Loiero

      This comment is 10 years old. Since then there has been whistleblowers and plenty of actual footage proving it’s a fact. The sad thing is that ignorance is going to be the one reason they will continue to execute their sickening plans.

    • Christine Wolking

      Yes, they are, because most have no choice like the rest of us. However, one little fact FYI, they cannot spray within 100 miles of the The Bush Compound. 🤔

    • Emildaburlaos

      Conspiracy theory are the truth when governments are caught red handed in there Evil corruption. They call it a conspiracy theory. Look at chem traile at Frankenskies

  2. Robert

    You have fun with that cognitive dissonance of yours and BASELESSLY dismiss all of it as “kooky conspiracy theory”.

    When you’re ready to give chemtrails a honest and objective look, perhaps watch “What in the World Are They Spraying” on YouTube. There you will find actual facts, such as it’s documented effect on soil composition in northern California in addition to info on it’s effect on the health of the general population. In an isolated study, a 4 year old girl born in Hawaii gets checked for levels of aluminum, barium, and strontium in her body.

    The intent behind chemtrails stretches far beyond “Geo-Engineering”. Think Monsanto- the purveyors of genetic modification and how they might benefit from soil being so overloaded with metals that you have to buy their seed- you can’t grow otherwise. Does “Roundup Ready” ring a bell? It’s no coincidence it was introduced in the midst of what would be the worst drought in the continental US in years (summer 2012). Yes, this insinuates that chemtrails tie in with weather modification. But wait- don’t cry conspiracy paranoia there because weather modification is nothing new. Our military was already cloudseeding over the jungles of Vietnam back in the 60’s. This knowledge is unclassified.

    Thousands of people behind a comparmentalized operation can easily adopt the idea that they’re “doing the right thing” fighting against climate change. The real players though, are the elected officials and corporate big wigs who make it possible. Turns out these people aren’t the most benevolent folks in the world. That’s the reality of it and truth is often stranger than fiction.

    Nonetheless, I wish you the best vj.

    Tough crowd Jean, but hey you covered a pretty complicated and controversial topic in a short article. Given what Asheville is all about, I’d imagine there’s probably lots of folks around there informed on this issue. I really do praise you for bringing some light upon it. Thank you. Peace and much love.

    – Robert

  3. Sandra

    So DEC 13th + 14th 2013, the skies are clear over Old Fort about 20 minutes outside of Asheville. This is the first time I haven’t seen chemtails in the sky since I’ve moved here. Makes you wonder who’s in town that they are hiding the truth from. The strange thing is I’ve seen quite a few contrails, and I realized it’s been so long since Ive seen one that it frightened me and made me think they were missiles or something. A couple weeks ago I was driving to work and the sun was reflecting off of a couple of the chemtrails and made it look like the sky was shaking like a strobe light would. I couldn’t look at it because it was affecting my vision and my driving. An epileptic would have surely had a seizure. Maybe this is why more people are having seizures…. hmmm….

  4. Mercedes Martell

    I saw the chemtrails over Charlotte last year 2013. They are clearly distinguishable. Monsanto is not the only one. Bill Gates and his philanthropic foundations geared at reducing the CO2 in the air also contribute to geoengineering. The biggest problem I think, is that the chemtrails come down on organic foods on the ground and Monsanto may be behind it all as they only want their filthy seeds to be a part of everybody. Chemtrails have been designated as toxins by several scientists who voiced their opinion on You Tube and other media. Also, there is the eugenics side of this chemtrail business where Ted Turner and others have professed a need to curtail or depopulate the world by 90%. It is radical Environmentalism at work in the chemtrails.

  5. Mercedes

    The problem is what to do about it. There is nothing we can do. It has been decided for us already.

    • tony

      I think you have to assume the posture of and eye for an eye…. what did the founding fathers of this country do ….

  6. Harry

    November 2021:
    Boeing 777-9, Tail Number N779XX over flew Kansas Departed Ft. Myers (RSW) 1024EST , FL, Arr Boeing Field, WA (BFI) 1301PST, no gate number, 1 passenger. was chem spraying all the way. Close ups of the aircraft wings show nozzles which de-bunkers will say are fuel discharge tubes, but there are more than one on each wing.
    Boeing has around 6 chem aircraft. They make 30 minute hops from BFI to Moses Field. Moses field is now closed to commercial flights but one of its main functions is…. wait for it…….crop dusting.
    Should we be asking the FAA if it is OK to crop dust at 34,000 feet?

  7. Joan Steiner

    I live in Tryon North Carolina. I believe my husband and I were caught in a chemical trail and now we have full blown MORGELLONS DISEASE. We have been living with this Horrific disease for 5 years now. We have truly been suffering every day of our lives. People are afraid of us and our social life has taken a dive. I love my family very much but they are afraid to have us stay at their house. We are a very close family and It breaks our heart to see them afraid of us and we cannot join them for summer vacations. The pain associated with this disease is very difficult to live with everyday every joint, muscle and all over pain. And yes many sleepless nights. There are so many symptoms and coinfections I truly did not think we would make it this far, along with all the fatigue and the devastation our bodies are suffering. This disease is mentally, emotionally and physically draining all the life out of us. I have very long hair and I had to shave it 2 times times to get to all the sores on my head so I can treat them before infection sets in. .And years of not being able to hold my grandchildren Is very sad. Emotionally it will tear you apart we are basically alone.. I have been to approximately 7 or 8 doctors whom diagnosed me with Delusional paratosis. However I did find one doctor who has seen this disease in the New York ER where he worked previously before moving to this area and opening his own practice. But the problem is he does not know how to treat it there is NO CURE . We have no help from the medical community and I find this to be inhumane. We are being sprayed with devilish Chemicals and metals and we have no choice in this matter. There are so many of us why can we not find help? We are treated as being delusional when we both know what we see and feel is absolutely the truth. I have many samples from the bizarre disease but Doctors refuse to look. I truly believe doctors are told not to treat this disease or to treat the disease with psychotropic drugs which we were offered, but without hesitation turn them down. We need help to end this suffering. We don’t know where to turn next. What gives the government the right to Slowly kill Us? We should at least be warned when they are spraying so we can hide in our homes. Seeing as though my husband and myself Contracted this disease at the exact same time , “We were in the wrong place at the wrong time.” Please if there are any doctors out there willing to treat the physical aspect of this disease we would truly appreciate it. The quality of our life is almost non existed.

    • Linda

      I’m so sorry to hear that, I was exposed to some chemicals this evening when I was sleeping outside it’s nasty my nose is numb my teeth hurt and are numb I feel no so good. I live in the country, it’s not a bonfire and I can see the chemtrails in the night sky. This is horrible what they can do .

  8. Ken

    Earth NullSchool is a great website that shows earth atmosphere. You can select various criteria to look at. Of interest is Chemical Composition which includes CO2, NOx, and SOx. NO2 is a short lived chemical that is generated when fossil fuels are used in combustion engines. The NO2 layer provides traces across the ocean which are either generated by ships or aircraft. So as you search for evidence of chemtrails this is where you should find evidence if there is any. One thing to notice is how small the percentage of the atmosphere is affected by the engine exhaust from ships and aircraft indicating how inefficient the concept of chemtrails actually is.

    Another layer of interest is particulate matter including less than 1um, less than 2.5um and less than 10um. Any particulates that might be getting put into the atmosphere would show on one or more of these layers in the patterns shown on the NO2 layer.

    Nothing seen. I’m not finding anything to indicate chemtrails. Back to you for evidence showing that the contrails are anything other than vapor trails.

    • Joan Steiner

      Obviously have not searched enough. I have found Patients. And have been educated by many scientists who explore the devastation of chemicals, It’s nanotechnology I’m sorry your head is in the sand. Praying for u to never suffer like we do. You will never understand life.

  9. Joan s6

    I would love to speak with the author of this page. I wish they would do an update or maybe a survey of People who are suffering from chemtrails.

  10. Joan Steiner

    Obviously have not searched enough. I have found Patients. And have been educated by many scientists who explore the devastation of chemicals, It’s nanotechnology I’m sorry your head is in the sand. Praying for u to never suffer like we do. You will never understand life.

  11. Fred farkle

    I live in kentucky….everytime a rain storm is coming thru…I see Chem trails by the dozens…..I also notice shortages of people in the workforce…afterwards due to respitory infections….I have also noticed white speckles on the windshield…each and every time….coincidence??? I think not

  12. Christopher

    Over a decade later I am now in Colorado, and they have been relentless with the dispersing of chemical agents. I lived in Asheville for a few yrs and saw the same there, hot crazy pics of checkerboard patterns. Got some videos on my facebook catching the plane’s releasing these poisons- Christopher Ball on Facebook,

    Should say manitou springs on the facebook

  13. John Rossetti

    The most sky photographed event is the Balloon Fiesta in New Mexico in the fall. Before and after the event the sky is filled with chemtrails, but never during.

  14. Gem

    Yet they call us ignorant, misinformed and gullible. Honestly. Dane Wigington says it all and yes, the many that have also confirmed. There was even a study that I was reading from back in 2015 where they measured the amount of Aluminium in the air in Pakistan from 2012-2015 because of the chemtrails…..funnily enough, there was another article (research paper before any of these i know everything say anything) that confirmed respiratory illnesses in this area around 2012. Go figure. Just can’t believe they call us gullible and misinformed when we are the ones that actually give a crap, not turning a blind eye or insulting because that’s the most they’ve got. In fact, I just read some massive post from someone on Metabunk that said he was a big believer but then an argument with one guy changed his mind….I thought, i wonder what it was that made him think hed been stupid the whole time…..after reading it, he didnt actually explain….leaving me in the same position i am in now. I don’t want to believe in the destruction of the planet and all living beings but it is very questionable what is going on up there. I’m very observant and I get SADs so I am very aware that the sun barely shines anymore. My mum is currently in Australia and their weather has been the worst it’s been in years….nothing feels good, light, wholesome, whatever you want to call it….it feels dark and deadly.

  15. dan

    From a bachelor’s in engineering:

    The idea that ordinary contrails are some kind of chemical being sprayed is one of the dumber conspiracy theories.

    How has no evidence of a chemical spraying system ever been found on any aircraft, ever? Ordinary people work around aircraft all day every day. They would know.

    What would be the point? If you’re trying to dose the entire population with something there has to be an easier way.
    If “they” are spraying us with something bad, “they” would be spraying themselves too, since we all breathe the same air.

    What would ‘they’ have to gain?

    It’s just a really, really, really stupid idea.

  16. Sandi

    I live in Australia. I moved to the Northern Territory in 2021. I didn’t see anything except clear skies for 2 years during the covid rubbish. Any clouds were the normal fluffy ones. Then suddenly in 2023 I saw planes flying and releasing long trails of stuff. I photographed and videoed for evidence. I know what a contrail looks like, it’s short behind the plane and dissipates. The chemtrails form slowly into weird wispy fairy floss clouds or spiderweb type clouds. They are ugly unnatural and weird. People started to comment on them, then they started doing it at night instead. These evil people make me sick along with all the ignorant numb skulls who refuse to believe it!

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