Love my country—hate my government

I recently saw this quote on a bumpersticker: “I Love My Country—But I Hate My Government.” Where does one acquire such a plaque?

Sound bites define our apprehension of the news. In-depth anything seems to slink away from those who speak via the media. Yesterday’s news is all but forgotten. The lives of our friends and neighbors are more potent reminders of the war that exists though we all will suffer from its cost for generations to come.

Remembrance of things past, one would imagine, is a goal of those who lead us. If for no other reason than to avoid reliving past mistakes, such a perspective lives in the creative genius of our present administration. The intelligence available to those in power now includes access to our private lives, yet this president can contradict his own Stephen Hadley, National Security Advisor, because such hoodwinked momentum has proven successful in engaging the war we are now in. Why not celebrate such convoluted Machiaveleian actions? After all is said and done with this administration, we may as well embrace our cultural legacy for what it is, a slow and steady slide toward a modern fascism.

Such strong language is destined to ring atonally upon the ears of this culture which naturally can’t allow much room for any criticism. But here’s a good one: No CEO would be allowed to stay the course of any business that incurred so mighty a debt we all must endure from the hands of (King) George W(ar) Bush.

I suppose I should follow the recommendations of the rest of the sheep that are my countrymen and just keep to myself while the few dictate to the many with no regard for the future being rosy again. Can we do this? Can you let this man take us down another ruinous road? War. Watch films, read Shakespeare, follow even the littlest sound bistes—war is not the answer.

—  Frederick Park


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8 thoughts on “Love my country—hate my government

  1. Dionysis

    One of the more startling bumper stickers I’ve seen lately was on an expensive car driven by a middle-aged man I was sitting behind at a traffic light recently. It said: “USA-We’re going to free the s*** out of you.”

    Nuff said.

  2. War is the answer if you stand to profit from it. Everyone else is, perhaps, just a player hater. Or, in this case, perhaps a Halliburton-Hater.
    Maybe we should nationalize that particular organization.

  3. Dionysis

    ” perhaps a Halliburton-Hater.
    Maybe we should nationalize that particular organization.”

    I bet it wouldn’t take much to garner support for that initiative. I’d include Blackwater too.

  4. dickyfauge

    You haters better be careful there , travelah and namvette will turn you in to the fb&i;,

  5. travelah

    I’ve always wanted to put one of my teeshirt slogans on a bumper sticker …. “EARTH FIRST! We’ll Log The Other Planets Later!

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