Mumpower has misplaced his phobias

Republican psychologist and ex-City Council member Carl Mumpower has misplaced his phobias. In his Feb. 17 Xpress commentary, he said he's alarmed that the city of Asheville is going to extend employee health-insurance benefits to the LGBT community, a "special interest group," thus "mortgaging our children's futures." I reckon Republican psychologists were similarly threatened by the Equal Rights Amendment and its special-interest group: women.

Mumpower is afraid that the LGBT community is going to push [its] "way to the front of the breadline," while he fails to be afraid that Republican G.W. Bush and his cronies have caused these bread lines.

I, too, have some phobias: of multinational corporations, citizenship for corporations, war, illegal war; but I am an artist, not a psychologist. Conservatives, like Mumpower, used to fear — and make illegal — interfaith marriage and, more recently, interracial marriage, which was illegal in some states as recently as 1967. The prospect of gay marriage must mortify some folks. Whose business is one's marriage anyway? …

Mumpower goes on to misrepresent nature. He writes: "For survival of the species, nature leans pretty convincingly in one direction." How nice to daydream that nature herself does not go both ways. Meanwhile, it is not nature, but rather, individual species that are exclusively into propagation/procreation — as corporations are into profit and endless growth. Nature is all about balance. We dumb, arrogant humans have tipped the balance. Our human species, relentlessly going in this procreation direction, overpopulating, overdeveloping, becomes the nightmare of this sweet old world, while we fret about the likes of gay marriage.

— Ron Ogle


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5 thoughts on “Mumpower has misplaced his phobias

  1. Alan

    Kudos Ron, especially on overpopulation, procreation, and which side nature is clearly on.
    If Mumpower was legitimately concerned about cost, he would back elimination of all family benefits, which would be just as fair to gays, fair to single and childless employees as well, and would save huge city money immediately.
    Not to say that SSDPB would not save the city big money on childcare and child health as soon as the proportion of gay employees or gay residents increases.

  2. Dirk Diggler

    Im all about birth contol here too. Why do people want to bring children into this evil empire? The controlling EVIL forces have taken us away from the Constitution, but WE the PEOPLE shall prevail! The letter writer seems to forget about all the precedence set by the EVIL controlling party decades b4 GWB! It started with FDR if you dont count the early American Progressive movement 1910-1920, exactly one century ago…we still fight for our freedom from the government. Wake up sheeple. Google the early progressive movement and see why progressivism does not work.

  3. Becky

    right on Ron. Mumpower said we are mortgaging our children’s future by giving health care to same-sex couples? I just can’t get over the resounding silence of Mumpower and his ilk over the trillion dollar war and thousands of deaths of innocents – killed by us – in Iraq and Afghanistan. Find bin Laden? Who??? Not a word did we hear in 8 years. But yep, give some people health insurance and they are ‘outraged.’ Give me a break.

  4. R.Bernier opinions

    “How nice to daydream that nature herself does not go both ways” ?


  5. Alan Ditmore

    Thanks Dirk. Have we met? Nice to see an economic conservative without the quiverfull breeder baggage, and who knows how much taxpayer money can be saved by contraception fom the world’s octomoms.

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