No more Mumpower columns for me

Although I commend Mountain Xpress on including all points of views, and everyone has a right to their opinion, I find Carl Mumpower's views to be so incredibly offensive, as well as inaccurate, that I will refuse to read any further commentaries by him! Thank God he is no longer on Asheville City Council; and he needs to see a psychiatrist.

— Troy Amastar


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20 thoughts on “No more Mumpower columns for me

  1. travelah

    Ithink Dr. Mum adds a good bit of local color to the mix and the MX should ut him on staf.

  2. travelah

    Let’s try that again …

    I think Dr. Mum adds a good bit of local color to the mix and the MX should put him on staff.

  3. UNaffiliated Voter

    Troy, just strive to be as intelligent and reasoned as Dr. Mumpower.

  4. Chad Nesbitt

    Mumpowers articles are right on! Thank you Mountain Xpress for being fair and balanced.

    Also glad to see that Mumpower has his own radio show on 880AM. Monday’s from 4PM to 5PM.


  5. Stop stomping the facts, Nesbitt.

    Mumpower does NOT have his own radio show. He is a regular guest on the Blake and Lesley show.

  6. Barry Summers

    Stop stomping on Chad, David.

    You and your “facts”. As we all know, Facts just push the Truth around.

    Chad knows what is True. He can’t be bothered with facts…

  7. Ashevegasjoe

    I’ve got a pool going on how long it takes to shut this thread down.

    And, Chad gets so giddy writing about Dr. Mumpower. I think somebody has a man crush.

  8. I receive Dr. Mumpowers “Conservative Minute” podcasts…while I don’t agree with all of them, frequently, his “tough love” point of view is spot on, in my opinion. Dr. Mumpower is no coddler, and some may find that offensive.

  9. Barry Summers

    I think Dr. Carl crossed a dangerous line when he started referring to Obama as “President Boo.” I quit listening to his podcasts as soon as I heard that.

  10. bobaloo

    And, Chad gets so giddy writing about Dr. Mumpower. I think somebody has a man crush.

    Just ask him a direct question and require he back it up with facts. POOF! He’ll go away.

  11. Alan

    Mumpower revealed himself as blatantly pronatalist and thus totally antienvironment. One must wonder if his blatant pronatalism extends to illegal immigrants and welfare mothers or is limited to city employees thereby making him a eugenicist as well as a purposeful polluter.

  12. Piffy!

    Carl Mumpower hates puppies and has been known to interact with unsavory characters. He is to be hugged and kissed until he returns to a human state.

  13. self

    I feel like, at this point, both Mumpower and Mumpower’s mini-me, (Chad), have opened their mouth too much and lost all political credibility. We can give them the conselation prize for being Asheville Characters now. However sickening, they still make us laugh a little. Im sure that will get old after they say a few more things though.

  14. Ashevegasjoe

    “Just ask him a direct question and require he back it up with facts. POOF! He’ll go away. ”

    I don’t want him to go away. While Chad and many conservatives claim liberals wish to silence them, I hope they continue to talk and write, louder and more often. It both exposes their ignorance and is HILARIOUS (I’ve got a caps lock too)

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