Shuler and Mumpower: no comparison

As a liberal, I sympathize with the frustrations felt by many liberals in the WNC area at some of the conservative stances taken by our Democratic congressman, Heath Shuler. However, I’m not sure what letter writer Ben Smith hopes to accomplish when he urges liberals and like-minded progressives to vote for neither Shuler nor Mumpower in this November’s congressional election [“Don’t Vote for Shuler or Mumpower,” July 9].

Since these are the only two options on the ballot, Smith is basically encouraging progressives not to vote at all, which is exactly the kind of apathy that the reactionary forces in this country feed on. Despite their shared anti-immigrant rhetoric, there are clear differences between Shuler and Mumpower. No doubt Shuler is a social conservative, but he is nonetheless far, far more progressive on a host of environmental and economic issues than Carl Mumpower.

So if you consider yourself in any way liberal or progressive, Shuler is far closer to you on the range of issues; therefore you do have a clear choice on the ballot this November.

The time for liberals to challenge Shuler was in the Democratic primary several months ago, and since none of them did, Shuler is the best we’ve got right now. Sitting out the election would only give Carl Mumpower a better chance of taking the seat back for the Republicans.

— Bert Clere


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9 thoughts on “Shuler and Mumpower: no comparison

  1. bernard b carman

    “arratik” makes a good point, one that i have only come to discover TODAY, and i’m still the Chair of LP-Buncombe!

    we do now have a third choice, but as always, most Americans are in fear of “wasting their vote”, and for good reason, but most are not aware of it. for the most part, the plurality voting system we use in America forces a 2-party system to continue. if we switched to a form of Range Voting, this would not be the case.

    regarding the terms “liberal” and “progressive” which are continuously batted around, do they now entirely refer to people who have no sense of unalienable rights and LIBERTY?

    no human is perfect, but how often do these “liberals” & “progressives” speak up in defense of LIBERTY? how many times does anyone but Mumpower show concern for the outrageous taxing and spending of our “progressive” AVL City Council? … and for property rights?

    i realize Mumpower has gotten a LOT of flak over his various drug related fiascos, but he stands for something FAR MORE important than that regarding the Federal Drug war… but do our local “progressives” even stop to THINK about that?

    Mumpower wishes to end the Federal Drug War and allow the States & local Counties to legislate drugs — THIS IS THE CORRECT STANCE ON THE ISSUE! has Heath Shuler done ANYTHING towards these efforts while in Congress???

    i SHOULD BE spending time in this post promoting Keith Smith, but i only discovered him today. if he is a savvy Libertarian, i would also encourage folks to check him out, along with Mike Munger running for NC Governor.

    it’s long past time for American to stop being deceived by the duopoly parties and look at the candidates running along with their principles. voting for the “Democrat” just because they are more “progressive” is a very weak argument indeed!

    remember, it’s the Democrats & Republicans who have legislated us into the mess we find ourselves, both parties promoting BIG GOVERNMENT.

    WAKE UP ALREADY before it’s too late! (if it isn’t already)

  2. vrede

    Although I can’t remember the last time that I voted for Republican, I’m planning on voting for Mumpower or Libertarian Keith Smith in November.

    From his insistence on Big Brother interference in women’s health care to his fear and hatred mongering against immigrants to his miserable 45% peace voting record ( to his co-sponsorship of a de facto declaration of war on Iran (HConRes 362), Shuler is a destructive presence in the Democratic caucus.

    Of course, Shuler will win in November so it’s a perfect time to send him a powerful message of dissatisfaction. Further, in the unlikely case that Mumpower wins, he will be impotent in a Democratic Congress with a Democratic president and his inherent goofiness will give us an ideal opportunity to install a real Democrat in two years.

    The alternative of passively accepting Shuler as a Charles Taylor-like WNC institution makes me cringe.

  3. William P Miller

    There is no comparison between the inarticulate Heath Shuler, and the very articulate Dr Carl Mumpower. Carl has the guts, the vision, and the character that is needed to represent these WNC mountains. Now with Nancy Pelosi planning a socialist takeover of congress, we need a fearless defender of Southern traditions: good old self-reliance and family values. Dr Carl Mumpower is the man to represent us. Let Shuler return to his home in East Tennessee.

  4. dave

    “Now with Nancy Pelosi planning a socialist takeover of congress, we need a fearless defender of Sout…”

    a bit off topic, mods?

  5. Bert

    It is always curious to me when I see these people arguing against the evil forces of “big government.” Perhaps when you show me specific ways that the private sector is dealing with poverty and environmental degradation, I’ll take your rhetoric more seriously.

    But all I see from this vantage point is a bunch of rich people who want to protect their money and their privileged place in our society.

    “A Libertarian, is, to the best of my knowledge, a Republican who doesn’t believe in God.”– Sarah Vowell

  6. bernard b carman

    the private sector (ie: “free people”) deals with poverty by NOT creating a welfare state and a public education system which teaches our children idiotic ideals such as entitlements.

    i believe the IS a place for government to handle environmental issues, SO LONG AS THE SO CALLED REMEDIES WORK.

    seems that it is typically the rich people who also desire more power who generally get elected into political offices. knowing this, it seems somewhat foolish to continue to grow government.

    and don’t forget, it’s not only the ‘growth’ of government which libertarians generally oppose, but the ‘scope’ of government.

    but really, i believe too many Amerikans are far too deceived about this ‘left-right’ political paradigm to make much of a difference — most seem to swallow this deception, hook, line & sinker. most of government is so corrupt that i don’t see much chance of changing the course via the ballot box at this point in time.

    personally, i’m now trying to focus LESS on the political party & candidate arena and more on actions like this: i feel it might be best at this point to stand up to the corrupt powers that preside in our Federal Government and demand Constitutional accountability, otherwise, take the advice of our founders and stop empowering a corrupt government — such is the last resort to peacefully end tyranny when all else fails.

    contrary to Miss Vowell’s perception, there are a good many libertarians who believe in God… i’m one of them. not only do i believe in God, but i also believe that when a society continues to drive God out of every facet of public life, it is REALLY saying it doesn’t give a damn about LIBERTY, for our unalienable liberties are derived from our Creator, not any man or government.

    so while many of us will go on arguing about the “Republican-Democrat controversy”, i’m going to continue striving to challenge my fellow Amerikan to think outside that very limiting box and to promote LIBERTY, aside from political parties.

    should those who hear me choose to consider everything i say as “rhetoric”, so be it.

    “Those who would give up essential Liberty, to purchase a little temporary safety, deserve neither Liberty nor safety.” — Benjamin Franklin (1706-1790), 1755

  7. Reality Check

    The private sector deals with those things with a strange concept called .. ‘Charities’. You may have heard of them. They’re about ten times more efficient with their money and focus on local issues much better than big inefficient government. If the Gov’t weren’t trying to supplant them, they would be much bigger than they are and I’m sure handling things much better.

  8. Reality Check

    Another issue too. All the richest areas in the US are represented by the Democrat Party and its been that way for a while. Who are the elite’s projecting their money and privilege? Funny how nothing much has changed. The Senate is going to get 60 Democrat seats and the House will be even more so. What will they do with them? Nothing much I bet.

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