Supporting a healthier America

Republican U.S. House candidate Carl Mumpower extends his xenophobia to a self-destructive, unpatriotic extreme when he advocates taking access to medical services away from undocumented immigrants.

Like it or not, we all drink the same water, eat the same food, breathe the same air and frequent the same places, while communicable diseases do not bother to check a potential host’s papers. As a mental-health professional, Mumpower really ought to know that healthier immigrants make for a healthier America.

I have worked in 35 countries, on every continent, and have never had difficulty accessing what medical services were available to the citizens. We shouldn’t treat the people who clean our homes, harvest our food and maintain our yards any differently.

It’s just what compassionate humans do, Carl.

Finally, has anyone else noticed that the ugly phrase, “lazy Mexican,” has thankfully dropped out of obese America’s lexicon.

— Lawrence Turk, RN


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66 thoughts on “Supporting a healthier America

  1. rogerg

    Were you “legally” in those countries where you obtained medical services? Thats the difference. Hundreds of clinics have closed due to illegal aliens sucking on the good nature of the American taxpayers teats long enough. Our children suffer because of them.

  2. travelah

    Republican U.S. House candidate Carl Mumpower extends his xenophobia to a self-destructive, unpatriotic extreme when he advocates taking access to medical services away from undocumented immigrants

    xenophobia: fear and hatred of strangers or foreigners or of anything that is strange or foreign

    It seems this has become a common slander to throw at anybody who opposes the liberal standard in this country. Mumpower is xenophobic because he wishes for the law of the the land to be enforced against those entering this country illegally? This does not seem to have anything to do with fear and hatred of people but instead is a respect for the law and processes we abide by in this country. How did liberalism come to represent an utter lack of control of our borders and an ignored immigration policy?
    Contrary to the current in vogue liberal-speak, illegal aliens are not immigrants. They are here illegally and have no legitimate claim to the rights and priviledges of citizens and legal residents. Why are liberals opposed to having those here illegally returned to their native land and required to enter this country appropriately?

  3. AshaKasha

    I agree that no one here in the states should be denied needed medical care. I, too, have taken advantage of free medical services in other countries…and never was even asked where I am from. Just treated and provided with a prescription, and then sent on my way. However, my husband and I both work full time (always have) and have good medical insurance, but still cannot afford anything more than the most basic of medical care. So, to think that folks who are here illegally, do not pay taxes, and most likely send their wages back to their families in Mexico are getting free medical care kinda irks me. But that is a flaw in OUR system- not the fault of Mexicans taking advantage of work that has been made available to them.

    I do think that, in order to take advantage of any other American priveleges, one should have to go through the process of being here legally. I am getting ready to move to a country on the other side of the world, and you would not believe the lengthy processes I am going through to be able to be there legally- and work, and have my child educated (despite the fact that so many of our jobs have been outsourced to this country).

    Every country I have traveled to (even Canada) has heavy restrictions on who can live and work there. Like anywhere else, we have limited resources (growing more limited by the day) and I find it entirely sensible to reasonably limit who can dip into that pot.

  4. entopticon

    Gee, that’s mighty Christian of you travelah.

    Apparently travelah missed that section of the bible, Matthew 5.42, which COMMANDS:
    “Give to everyone who begs from you.”

    Sorry travelah, but you don’t get to refuse anyone who begs from you and still call yourself a Christian. There are NO exceptions.

    As the above letter clearly states, the Christian thing to do is to give medical care to anyone who needs it.

    Guess what… most of those immigrants are descendants of the indigenous inhabitants of this land, and most of the people who live here are not. They are native Americans, and the vast majority of people who live here are not.

    Those people are here because it was their ancestors’ land from the start, and they are looking for a better life. You don’t get to call yourself a Christian if you lobby to have them turned away from medical or financial assistance.

    Too bad for you the bible didn’t say, “Give to everyone who begs from you, except the native Americans who come here looking for work and a better life.”

    Unfortunately for you and Carl Mumpower, it doesn’t, so you need to stop calling yourselves Christians or stop making the same hypocritical argument.

    The bible was actually pretty clear about helping out foreign visitors, let alone the native inhabitants, and it didn’t say anything about green cards.

    There is absolutely NO such thing as a right-wing Christian. It’s a ludicrous contradiction in terms.

  5. travelah

    AshaKasha, you are right. If wew applied the same restrictions that Mexico applies to us, there would not be an illegal alien issue at all.

  6. entopticon

    Yep, Eli, that’s a reasonable guess. Considering the fact that he consistently espouses the KKK’s rhetoric about Marxists plots and black liberationist takeovers verbatim, it’s not much of a stretch.

    Whatever the case, he is stuck here because there is certainly no reasonable argument that someone can still be a Christian if they turn away anyone who begs or asks to borrow from them. There are no exceptions, and that includes Mexicans.

    For better or for worse, if there was ever a bleeding heart liberal it was Jesus, so unless someone is a bleeding-heart liberal as well, they don’t get to rationally call themselves a Christian. There is no conceivable way around this logical truism.

  7. bobaloo

    Mumpower really ought to know that healthier immigrants make for a healthier America.

    First, they aren’t immigrants, they’re illegal aliens. The folks following the law and standing in line are immigrants.

    Second, it is imperative to keep them healthy so we can continue to employ them at well below poverty levels in what has become an acceptable form of subclass bondage.

    The bible was actually pretty clear about…

    Luckily, we don’t live in a theocracy.

  8. AshaKasha


    How much can we spare? There are millions of homeless and hungry people in China and Myanmar- and that is just the result of recent natural disasters…it doesn’t even begin to speak of those in other lands that have been hungry, homeless, and in need of medical care for ages.
    Why not bring them here and go about meeting their needs? I’d like it if we could, but CAN WE? And what would you guys be willing to sacrifice in order to do so? Again- the more people who use the resources, the less resources there are for all. Where should we draw the line? Shall we just allow anyone from anywhere to come in as they please and take what they would like, without contributing?

    That wasn’t a rhetorical question. I mean to ask: where shall we draw the line, and why?

  9. Matt Mercy

    To the author: don’t you think the Plan of San Diego and groups like mECHA and La Raza are just a bit xenophobic? Maybe Dr. Mumpower doesn’t like the idea of all white males over the age of 15 or so being slaughtered in the streets by the Aztlan la reconquistas.

  10. entopticon

    bobaloo, your self-righteous banter is always good for a laugh. Most of those people’s ancestors have lived on this continent for many millennia. You are the alien, not them.

    Immigration issues are complex, and your sanctimonious oversimplification of the issue adds nothing.

    I agree, it’s very good that we don’t live in a theocracy, since I am not a big fan of religion. Luckily, we do live in a land where hypocrisy is not valued. At least not by some of us. Since you’ve already asserted elsewhere that you are a fan of right-wing media, I understand that you don’t share that value.

  11. travelah

    Immigration issues are not really complex at all. If a person is found to be here illegally, send him or her or them back to their country. If they wish to enter the US, let them apply and enter like every other legal immigrant. Being discovered here as an illegal is not best described by the convenient label of “undocumented”. It is more accurate to state criminal. For those who tout the argument that illegals are only doing the jobs Americans don’t want, try finding a reasonable paying job as a carpenter or some other trades position in construction. There is a lot of construction going on in the Asheville area. Take the time to visit a few sites and you will discover what this means. Out of town contractors are employing illegal aliens in place of local natives and legal immigrants.
    This apologetic liberalism is destroying your own community and far too many of those waiting tables for next to nothing are the same group of people supporting the foolish rhetoric.

  12. travelah

    Luckily, we don’t live in a theocracy.

    While this issue has nothing to do with theocracy, that statement is absolutely correct. Theocracies are best evidenced in places like Iran and in the former stronghold of the Taliban. Interestingly, the immigrants from those deplorable situations, for the most part, have entered this country legally and are prospering and contributing to economic growth.

  13. travelah

    The illegal aliens who are overrunning this country are not coming here begging and borrowing. They are sneaking in here and taking what used to be standard working class jobs and doing so at sub-standard wages. Instead of seeking assistance, most are hiding because they know they are not entitled to be here.
    It’s curious that atheists and agnostics would attempt to use the Bible against Christians who actually know the bible, specifically with regard to the Torah requirements for aliens who desired to live in the midst of Israel. They submitted to the law of the land and by the way, were circumsized. Let’s just call that the equivalent of learning English for the benefit of those who use the bible not knowing one page from the other.

  14. entopticon

    travelah.. you never cease to amaze. If you seriously think that turning people down for medical aid isn’t amply covered by the “Give to everyone who begs from you” passage, you don’t know the bible from a hole in the wall.

    If you really believe in submitting to the law of the land, you will give up the concept of property as we know it, because the indigenous people of this land didn’t have such a concept.

    If laws are made by stealing land and killing off the inhabitants or shipping them off to reservations, that is not much of a law, because that means that everyone else has just as much of a right to invade and steal property.

    You still don’t get it….. This has been THEIR land for many, many millennia. Our great, great grandparents forcibly stole it from theirs. By any reasonable account, they have a hell of a lot more right to be here than you and Lou Dobbs do.

    I hope you are working on your Cherokee, so that you aren’t just a huge hypocrite. By the way, you seemed to forget that America is the feminized Latin version of Amerigo.

  15. entopticon

    travelah, think of it this way. If your great-great grandparents had the right to go to the homes of their ancestors, killing nearly every man, woman, and child…

    …. that means they have just as much right to arrive uninvited in your neighborhood, kill every man. woman, and child, including you and your family, and claim all of your land and property for themselves.

    Your “my great grandpappy killed off your whole great grandpappy’s family for this land, so now it’s mine” argument doesn’t hold water too well at all.

    So much for your ignorant argument that it is a simple issue.

    by the way, can you really picture Jesus denying anyone medical care? If so, you seriously need to actually read the bible once in a while. I read it nearly every day just to remind people like you of what hypocrites you are ;^P

  16. bobaloo

    I’ll not pay for the sins of the fathers.
    I could care less who was here before, the past is the past and self righteous banter about legal citizens of the US being the real aliens is all emotional banter with no solutions.
    I’m all for immigration, this being America and all, but an open borders policy and “reconquista”, which you seem to advocate entop, is not healthy for our country nor for any other Latin American country.

    So what would be your ultimate solution to this entop? Granting back the southwest to Mexico? Or simply dissolving borders altogether?

    If you really believe in submitting to the law of the land, you will give up the concept of property as we know it, because the indigenous people of this land didn’t have such a concept.

    Have you done the same?

  17. travelah

    Those that point to the native Americans as having a right to their land and place here should lead by example and leave. Otherwise they are hypocrites and more so for advocating that MORE people come and “squat” on Cherokee lands.

  18. Lawrence Turk, RN

    Leaving aside any consideration of whether it is moral or just to allow undocumented aliens access to medical services, it is clearly in the interest of American citizens to do so. Anyone who would endanger their own kids’ health in order to further an irrational demand for discrimination is, by definition, xenophobic.

    rogerg: “Were you “legally” in those (35 different) countries where you obtained medical services?” Like with AshaKasha’s experience, no healthcare provider ever asked.

    As to travelah blaming liberals – It is the wealthy and corporate bosses (usually Republican) that benefit most from access to a docile, below-market wage labor pool, while Republican politicians (and some conservative Democrats, Heath) get an easy issue to exploit for motivating voters with fear and hatred. That’s why 6 years of unfettered Republican dominance of our politic led to zero progress on the problem. Think about it.

  19. entopticon

    bobaloo, I’m sorry, but sometimes you seem to be somewhat reading impaired. Perhaps it would help you to read a bit slower. I did not say I was a Christian, I said that Christians are not allowed to turn people away according to the bible, and I did not say that I believe in “the law of the land,” i.e., everybody has to learn English blah-blah-blah, I pointed out that for people who argue that it is a two-way sword.

    You may feel totally comfortable with the fact that the native people of this country were raped and pillaged for the land we are on, but I am not.

    Like most Americans I have no direct link to any ancestral homeland, so as I said before, it is a much more complicated issue than the Lou Dobbs line you and travelah have been trying to sell here.

    The reason that it is a difficult issue to legislate is in fact because it is a very complicated issue that pandering right-wing pundits reduce to soundbite oversimplification.

    If, as you say, you have no problem with benefitting from the acts of our forefathers brutally murdering off most of the native inhabitants and stealing their land, you certainly have no moral right to complain if the same is ever done to you.

    The people who sneak across the borders that our forefathers arbitrarily circumscribed have a far greater ancestral claim to this land than you or I do. We have a legitimate claim as well because we did not choose to be born here, so there are no easy solutions, but denying the complexity of the situation is pure hubris and far from fair.

  20. entopticon

    As mentioned above travelah, if you think that murdering and stealing gives someone the right to a place, you have no moral argument for complaining if the same exact thing is ever done to your family and your community.

    Also as mentioned above, I am not saying that you or I have no right to be here, I am saying that it is ridiculously arrogant to say that the people whose ancestors have lived on this continent for all of history have no right. Calling them aliens is evidence of how convoluted and absurd the situation is.

  21. bobaloo

    First, can you ever respond without being a complete horse’s ass?

    Second, you didn’t answer a single question.

  22. entopticon

    Moderator (John Elliston):

    I assume bobaloo’s comment won’t be tolerated.

    Frankly bobaloo, I feel the same way about you. You have no idea how transparently ignorant you are about issues that you clearly know very little about. Your sanctimonious smugness is somewhere between sad and laughably pathetic.

  23. entopticon

    Bobaloo, as opposed to you and your right-wing soundbite solutions, I have no easy answers. I never pretended to.

    That is why it is a complicated issue that politicians and sociologists wrestle over for compromises and solutions, as opposed to your right-wing soundbite oversimplifications.

    The most important thing is to do everything we can to help who we can and reconstruct NAFTA to help level the playing field in Mexico by bolstering worker’s protections and fair pay.

    Asyou can see, if you had read my post more carefully in the first place you would have seen that I said there are no easy solutions all along.

    Also, if you had perhaps slowed down and read my last post a little more carefully, you would have seen that I most certainly did answer your last question about the lay of the land etc.

  24. travelah

    entop, lead by example and leave otherwise you are just spouting hypocrisy.

  25. travelah

    Contrary to the uninformed musings of leftist-liberals whose learning and grasp of history was set aside for the study of polemical rhetoric, the various native peoples of the western hemisphere were not a united nation with various peoples flowing to and fro through entire continents. The indigenous people of what is today Mexico had nothing in common with the native people of the Carolinas region. With that in mind, it is rather ignorant to suggest that the Spanish Indian mix of people of Mexico have an inherent right to stomp onto Cherokee ground that wew should respect.

  26. bobaloo

    Ah, you’re right entop, now that I reread your posts it’s clear you have no solutions at all. My mistake.

  27. entopticon

    You’re right bobaloo, I have no simple solutions, unlike your asinine, racist, oversimplified right-wing drivel.

  28. entopticon

    You’re right bobaloo, I have no simple solutions, unlike your asinine, racist, oversimplified right-wing drivel.

    travelah, I do lead by example. I support politicians with compassionate, reasoned responses rather than right-wing blowhards with nothing but xenophobic hypocrisy to offer.

    Now it’s YOUR turn to lead by example. You say you are a Christian. Jesus said you can never turn down ANYONE who comes to you for help, so put your money where your mouth is and support medical aid for anyone who needs it. Otherwise, you are no Christian.

    By the way, you’re hilarious quasi-academic take on indigenous Americans defies both genetics and anthropology, but of course, you have never been one to let a silly little thing like facts get in the way.

  29. entopticon

    Are travelah, William P Miller, Bobaloo, and NamVet all the same person? It certainly seems that way.

    Perhaps I need to get a right-wing extremist alter-ego so I can spend my days trolling around a liberal website arguing the virtues of right wing politics as well.

  30. bobaloo

    There’s the race card.

    Show me one, ONE single racist thing I said. You can’t find one.

    As a matter of fact, I bet you won’t even try. You’ll just lob some more grenades because that’s all you can do.

    You’re a joke, a caricature, a stereotypical knee jerk reactionary who has nothing but ad hominem attacks and emotional blather and not worth arguing with.

    The sad thing is, we probably agree on many, many things, but you’re so absorbed with labeling anyone slightly divergent from your ideology as racist and a right-winger that you can’t tell friend from foe.

    Physician, heal thyself.

  31. entopticon

    How hilariously ironic bobaloo; using a racist meme to claim that you aren’t a racist. There is no race card.

    Are you even familiar with the etymology of the term “race card”? It was coined by right wing extremists to devalue and minimize claims of racism. It in and of itself is a racist construct.

    I have news for you bobaloo, there is no such thing as a race card.

    Another example would be your argument that we bear no responsibility for the sins of our forefathers. That is a basic tenet of the study of racism.

    Another example would be your assertion that the indigenous American migrant workers that come here without documentation have less right to be here than we do. Again, this is not my arbitrary viewpoint. Simply take any introductory course on the subject.

    You love telling me that I am not arguing with, and yet I don’t ever remember asking for your opinion. I can certainly remember telling you that I never asked to hear it.

    Perhaps you should listen to your own advice. In fact, you are the joke.

    Have you studied these issues extensively at the graduate level? I have. If you stopped and listened rather than sanctimoniously ranting about something that you don’t even know enough about to know how little you actually know, you would realize that you have a whole lot to learn.

    Take your own advice.

  32. travelah

    Are you even familiar with the etymology of the term “race card”? It was coined by right wing extremists to devalue and minimize claims of racism. It in and of itself is a racist construct.

    That is utter rubbish. The term was coined and put into use by English politicians in an agreement to not use racial strife as a “trump card” during elections. It has come to mean, particularly in this country, to refer to one who uses references to racial issues in order to cast his or her opponent as a racist, much as you are doing here. It is leveled most often (other than by the media) by black politicians seeking leverage in political discourse.
    Secondly, a graduate education offers no special insight into the matters of race that cannot be garnered by any reasonably educated person who knows how to read and engage in intellectual inquiry. You are appealing to an authority that is irrelevant, aside from not being able to ascertain whether you graduated from grammar school or from the same elitist Universities attended by those politicians who cannot stomach “those people from the middle states out there somewhere”.

  33. bobaloo

    Have you studied these issues extensively at the graduate level? I have.

    Seriously, LOL.

    I’ve seen you post that a few times. Yes, we all know the level of your studies.
    What a self absorbed fool you are.

    None the less, you calling me a racist based on absolutely no evidence (aside from me not taking responsibility for what others have done), is absolutely ludicrous and you know it.

    It’s simply your tool to shame people into ending a debate.

  34. travelah

    entop has the equivalent of a Masters in uncontrollable vitriol and he acquired it the old fashion way .. he earned it.

  35. bobaloo

    Another example would be your argument that we bear no responsibility for the sins of our forefathers. That is a basic tenet of the study of racism.

    So let’s say everyone does that. How far back do you want to go? The savagery of humanity lasts millennia and is not limited, in any way, to the light skinned or Americans. How far back should the reparations and entitlements go?

    Another example would be your assertion that the indigenous American migrant workers that come here without documentation have less right to be here than we do.

    Show me where I said that.
    If you’d actually discuss arguments instead of flaming anyone that doesn’t sound exactly like you, you might actually understand where I’m coming from as opposed to pigeon holing me into you narrow definitions of left and right.

    I fully support a guest worker program, providing they pay taxes, that would legitimize illegal aliens here for work and pay them fair wages.
    I also fully endorse simplification of the immigration process so it need not be such a burden to migrants.

    How do you object, because God knows you will.

  36. entopticon

    bobaloo, I was already pretty clear about the race card rhetoric in and of itself being racist. If you don’t buy that argument, that’s not my problem. If you are further interested in the etymology of the phrase, read George Dei’s book, Playing the Race Card.

    It is so bizarrely ironic that you would say: “None the less, you calling me a racist based on absolutely no evidence (aside from me not taking responsibility for what others have done), is absolutely ludicrous and you know it.”

    The very foundation of racism is not taking responsibility for the institutionalized oppression of people based on race. You saying that is akin to saying that you aren’t into the KKK, but you like to burn crosses on black people’s lawns in your free time.

    Instead of your ignorant rants and smarmy comments about my education on the subject being irrelevant in your mind, you would serve yourself well to try educating yourself a bit on the subject first next time.

    You asked, “So let’s say everyone does that. How far back do you want to go? The savagery of humanity lasts millennia and is not limited, in any way, to the light skinned or Americans. How far back should the reparations and entitlements go?”

    As far back as we need to go. There is no easy way to do it, but we need to continue leveling the field until it is level. Yes, it will mean social programs, financial assistance, and affirmative action.

    you “Show me where I said that.”

    That is the way I interpreted your statements such as: “First, they aren’t immigrants, they’re illegal aliens. The folks following the law and standing in line are immigrants.”

    I think that’s a pretty reasonable interpretation of what you said there.

    I don’t think I ever stopped discussing the arguments. If you continue to troll around a liberal weekly’s site by making right wing arguments and recommending right wing extremist media like Pajamas Media and HotAir, you have to expect to get flamed.

    If you go to a vegetarian website and rant about how they are all wrong for not eating meat, you will get the same reaction. I am not pigeon holing you, but this is the liberal weekly’s website, not a right-wing forum.

    You: “I fully support a guest worker program, providing they pay taxes, that would legitimize illegal aliens here for work and pay them fair wages. I also fully endorse simplification of the immigration process so it need not be such a burden to migrants.How do you object, because God knows you will.”

    Apparently God was wrong. That happens a lot. I think those are both reasonable considerations. There are also problems with both because there are no simple solutions, but they are definitely reasonable.

    It’s funny, because your hypocrisy is kind of like the giant W in the end of It’s a Mad, Mad, Mad, Mad World, when all of the people standing at the bottom of it were too close to see it.

    Feel free to ignore me. I don’t ever recall directing hostility towards you until I was provoked. It’s the same pattern over and over again. If you rant away at me with your sanctimonious silliness, I am going to get right back in your face, and then some. If you don’t like that, just scroll on past.

    As long as you keep taking unprovoked jabs at me, especially when they are as foolish as yours, I will not bother being overly civil with you.

  37. donny

    travelah said: “It has come to mean, particularly in this country, to refer to one who uses references to racial issues in order to cast his or her opponent as a racist, much as you are doing here.”

    And please explain in detail how this is different than the tactics you employ to associate Obama with Loius Farrakhan or Al Queda, like we all know you love to do.

  38. bobaloo

    I don’t ever recall directing hostility towards you until I was provoked.

    Oh, yeah? How about:

    bobaloo, your self-righteous banter is always good for a laugh.
    …your sanctimonious oversimplification of the issue adds nothing.

    Luckily, we do live in a land where hypocrisy is not valued. Since you’ve already asserted elsewhere that you are a fan of right-wing media, I understand that you don’t share that value.

    These were your first words to me in this thread, after I did absolutely nothing to provoke it.

    Don’t worry, I don’t expect any humility or modesty. Have a great weekend.

  39. entopticon

    Nice lie there bobaloo. Are you sure that you aren’t just travelah going by a different moniker? I can never understand people who lie so freely, when all one has to do is to scroll upwards to catch you.

    The quote that you provided as proof, was my response to where you quoted me and made the smarmy, and strangely illogical remark: “”The bible was actually pretty clear about…” Luckily, we don’t live in a theocracy.”

    Aside from being obnoxious, that was a particularly ridiculous comment that doesn’t even make any sense if you had bothered to pay more attention in the first place. I am the last person in the world who would ever want a theocracy. I was pointing out the hypocrisy in travelah’s right-wing rhetoric and my logic was spot-on.

    That is from the same post where you were attacking the author of the letter for criticizing Carl Mumpower. Have you by chance ever noticed the countless cartoons and articles criticizing Mumpower in the Mountain Xpress?

    Did you happen to notice that they all have one thing in common…. that they are all at his expense because this is a liberal weekly and he is a right-wing lunatic. And then you act surprised when you are flamed after you attack someone for criticizing Mumpower’s politics.

    You can’t just obsessively follow me around from blog thread to blog thread, making unprovoked, nasty remarks without expecting me to make short work of you, bobatravelahoo.

  40. travelah

    entop, based on your proclivity to attack the person of everybody you engage, I do think you are demonstrsating any ability to make short work of anybody, whether that is this fiscal conservative and social liberatarian or bobaloo who would probably disagree with me considerably more often than agreeing. The common thread is your difficulty engaging in a civil discourse with anybody and disciplining your commentary to refelct a mature and rational manner.
    If the MountainX wished to censure all opinions other than those that are in agreement with you then they would step up and do so. The truth of the matter is that the MountainX embraces diversity rather than the intolerance of the leftist. I do not believe you comprehend the difference between a divisive leftist and a rational liberal capable of conducting an edifying dicussion with those he disagrees with. With that, spurt onward, young angry leftist.

  41. entopticon

    travelah, do you have a straight face while you are writing that ridiculous nonsense or just the Pulp Fiction rubber ball mask?

    You spend all day long on a liberal website, calling people leftists etc, you heaping pile of hypocrisy.

    You really are a complete joke.

    Edifying? You wouldn’t know edifying if it backed over you in a Mack truck.

    Tell me travelah, since the above letter is about Carl Mumpowers warped views, exactly how many pro-Mumpower, or pro-right-wing cartoons have you seen in the Mountain Xpress?

    The answer is 0. And how many anti-Mumpower and anti-right-wing cartoons have they published? Countless. That completely shatters your ridiculously asinine argument. Apparently they forgot to teach you logic in bible college.

    This is a 100% liberal weekly’s website. If you want something that represents both sides go to the Citizen Times, and if you want a local right-wing weekly go to the Asheville Tribune. W

    When a right-wing extremist comes to a liberal weekly’s website, spouting KKK rhetoric verbatim as you constantly do, it is called trolling.

    For you to come here trolling, calling everyone leftists, and Marxists and an endless list of bs, and then copmplain that AI am the one attacking people is absolutely hilarious.

  42. travelah

    entop, if you have a problem with diversity and a wealth of ideas, take it up with the hosts here at MountainX.

  43. entopticon

    No travelah, I have absolutely no problem with a liberal weekly publishing liberal opinions for its liberal audience.

    I do have a problem with right wing trolls who spend all day on a liberal weekly’s website spouting bigoted garbage about their paranoid-delusional theories about Marxist plots, black nationalist conspiracies, and homosexuality being immoral.

  44. bobaloo

    entop, you’re still an absolute moron.

    The bible thing? It was sarcasm, you idiot. And it wasn’t even an attack, it was a joke!

    You’re a like a pitbull in heat, foaming at the mouth, sitting around all day on the computer, waiting for someone you can belittle, then proclaim how friggin smart you are and how many colleges you’ve been to. But, no. I’m not surprised that you started a flame war.

    Still a horse’s ass. Good luck in the real world.

    Now go cry for a moderator, because I’m done with your bullsh!t.

  45. entopticon

    That’s real brave talk there bobaloo. You sure you want to meet me in the real world? Careful for what you wish for there bobaloo. I have a feeling you have no idea how far out of your league you are.

    Pretty funny how you explode when you get caught in a lie. You started it, and you still don’t even have the integrity to own up to it. It’s always you starting it. Completely typical. Almost as funny as your constantly hysterical hypocrisy.

    Keep up the good work with all of your ridiculously naive, sanctimoniously argued, asinine arguments.

    Go on, keep attacking me while you complain about getting attacked, you pathetic, whining sack of hypocrisy. I’m not inviting you to fight. I really don’t want to go to jail over someone like you, but f you do ever try this stuff on me in the real world, I wouldn’t want to be you.

  46. travelah

    entop, you have claimed that you suffer from severe disabilities that prevent you from working yet you are blustering and posturing on the internet with a can of digital whup’. Whats up with that anyways?

    I do have a problem with right wing trolls who spend all day on a liberal weekly’s website spouting bigoted garbage about their paranoid-delusional theories about Marxist plots, black nationalist conspiracies, and homosexuality being immoral.

    I do not see that anybody participating on these boards is spouting paranoid-delusional theories about anything. Barack Hussein Obama’s leftist background is a matter of record. His seeking the endorsement of a Marxist party and receiving it in 1996 is a matter of public record. His twenty year intimate association with his pastor who is one the leading promoters of leftist black liberation theology and a demonstrated racist and hate monger is a matter of public record. His longstanding friendship with an unrepentant terrorist bomber is a matter of public record. His inclusion of hardcore leftists and former PLO advisers in his campaign cannot be denied.
    To the left that is never to be trusted with the truth, these facts are dismissed as paranoid delusions. Well informed voters will discern the difference. Unfortunately for most, they remain uninformed.

  47. entopticon

    travelah, what is this obsessive interest with my personal life about. Seriously, it is getting a bit creepy. You will have to forgive me if I am not that keen on going into the intricacies of my medical condition with you.

    I am not really eager to go to blows with anyone, but when bobaloo said “good luck in the real world” and called me a number of things that would be fighting words in the real world, I felt that it was reasonable to warn him that that would probably be a very unwise decision on his part. I won’t be threatened and can take care of myself far better than most.

    As for your arguments that your wacko right-wing extremist theories aren’t delusional, you are absolutely right! To hell with inconvenient obstacles like facts and logic. Who needs them anyway? How would you have ever gotten through bible college if you let such silly formalities get in the way.

    It’s all true. The gay black liberationist Marxists are all out to get you! They are hiding in your bushes right this very moment, waiting for just the right moment to jump through your window and hold you down while showering you with kisses and reading Malcom X to you while they tattoo a hammer and sickle on your ass while forcing you to renounce god. And it’s all Obama’s fault.

  48. travelah

    If one presents their personal life an as an appeal to authority, their claims become subject to scrutiny. If one presents themselves as a centrist moderate and in truth they are far left and opposed to the sensibilities and philosophy of this country, then it should be expected that their associations are questioned.

  49. entopticon

    “If one presents themselves as a centrist moderate and in truth they are far left and opposed to the sensibilities and philosophy of this country, then it should be expected that their associations are questioned.”

    Joseph McCarthy 1953?

    Adolf Hitler 1942?

    Actually, it’s travelah 2008!

  50. travelah

    “If one presents themselves as a centrist moderate and in truth they are far left and opposed to the sensibilities and philosophy of this country, then it should be expected that their associations are questioned.”

    Joseph McCarthy 1953?

    The McCarthy era was involved in sensationalism for the purpose of advancing Mr. McCarthy and very little of his “evidence” existed. That does not mean that inquiry should not be made into the claims of candidates whose prior political activities are at odds with his campaign stances. Quit to the contrary, this is one of the primary reasons we have constitutionally protected free speech. It would seem that the leftist-liberals would prefer to have free political speech only as long as it serves their purposes. in fact that has been the leftist history for the past century. Tye result is a legacy that is far from that of supporting a healthy society.

  51. AshaKasha

    Considering the cost of decent medical care in this country, I would like to highly recommend that anyone and everyone (who pays for medical treatment) avoid the injuries associated with getting into a booty-whooping situation.

    And with the cost of gas, if you have to drive yourself to the ER….well…just saying…

  52. DJNC

    Maybe the illegals should pay for their health care themselves with the money they aren’t paying in taxes.

  53. travelah

    AshaKasha … LOL don’t worry. The internet hooges are always a lot of blustering bravado i.e. MY pixels are bigger than YOUR pixels!

  54. entopticon

    travelah has now managed to blame McCarthyism on liberals. You really are a never ending source of entertainment.

    I didn’t even know that it was possible for arguments to be as poorly reasoned as you consistently manage. You really do have a gift for it.

  55. Immigration destroys the environment. I would vote for Mumpower if he didn’t chose to live in an elitist, residential, single family, 2 unit per acre zone. But I’m really aginst anyone who ever won an election in Asheville, especially Jones, but Mumpower and Dunn too. They’re all sprawling zoners.

  56. cgo

    If one is an extremist – right or left – any contrary statement will be regarded as extreme. Extremist can’t operate in the murky waters of paradox.

  57. Lawrence Turk, RN

    Alan7, you too “live in an elitist, residential, single family, 2 unit per acre zone.” It’s called America. I believe you meant, ‘Immigration destroys our environment.’ Of course, this raises the question of anyone’s right to ‘own’ the environment, along with the discussion of how immigrants’ impact compares to that due to U.S. citizens’ gluttony.

  58. I do not live in a single family zone and unit density here is limited mostly by septic tank regs. I also did not choose to live here and am preparing to move to an unzoned area once the abyssmally slow surveyors show up. But there is a certain parallel between zones and borders, which are justified by the gluttonous breeding done mostly by immigrants, not at all by me, and not as much by the domestic migrants that are hindered by zoning. I really think that as a family of one, that my ecological footprint is substatially smaller than that of the average immigrant family.
    If they were sterile like me, I would welcome immigrants, but most are not and so I do not.

  59. travelah

    travelah has now managed to blame McCarthyism on liberals. You really are a never ending source of entertainment.

    How one arrives at that incomprehensible conclusion is beyond the pale of anybody but a leftist internet jockey. What was stated was:

    “The McCarthy era was involved in sensationalism for the purpose of advancing Mr. McCarthy and very little of his “evidence” existed.”

    To arrive at the opening statement from that evidence requires either an astounding degree of illiteracy or an agenda of which truthfulness is never an objective.

  60. entopticon

    Speaking of illiteracy travelah, you really could brush up on your reading comprehension skills there bud. You are the one that attacked liberals in the same paragraph that you went on your silly rant about McCarthyism.

    You say that liberals have been trying to limit speech for the last century while completely ignoring the fact that McCarthy was a right-wing extremist in the travelah tradition.

    You are right, McCarthy had very little evidence, but his evidence was every bit as solid as the factoids derived from white supremacist emails that you disseminate endlessly.

    Let me save you the trouble of responding by stating your same answer to everything: blah-blah-blah marxist, leftist-liberal black gays from outerspace are spoiling everything for white right-wing Christians, blah-blah-blah-blah-blah

  61. travelah

    entop, my reply regarding McCarthism was due to your irrational comment.

    I wrote:
    “If one presents themselves as a centrist moderate and in truth they are far left and opposed to the sensibilities and philosophy of this country, then it should be expected that their associations are questioned.”

    You replied”
    “Joseph McCarthy 1953? ”

    The in vogue move being championed by liberals and leftists today is the “Fairness in Broadcasting” initiatives that have not yet passed in the Congress. The intent of these measure is to gain by legislative fiat what the leftist-liberals cannot achieve through intellectual discourse, a captivated audience for their disheveled and confused agenda. Since the people do not listen to leftist radio and their ratings are in the ditch, the leftist-liberals have chosen legislative action to still as many popular voices as they can under the guise of fairness. In other words it is unfair, in the liberal mindset, for the American people to not want to listen to them so, take away free speech rights instead.

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