Those independent partisans

Regarding partisan/nonpartisan elections—so, what do you do when Republicans run as independents?

Where I came from, Republicans wouldn’t run under the Republican flag. They called themselves independents, hoping to attract more votes.

— Dan Stitt
Black Mountain


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9 thoughts on “Those independent partisans

  1. Jen Bowen

    Considering the Board of Realtors, the (crooked) Chamber of Commerce, and the Republican Party are behind this entire campaign against partisanship I actually really hope the vote stands as it is currently.

  2. Jen Bowen

    Tim –

    If you are going to state such a factual error yourself I’d appreciate it if you could at least expound on your statement…
    I seem to have mine on good authority, though that doesn’t mean I am not open to hearing your side.

    Regards – Jen

  3. “…at least expound…”

    I’ll pass.

    But feel free to peruse my weblog on the subject.

    If you would like to know the truth, you could also participate and get first-hand knowledge.

    But I expect that wouldn’t do.

  4. Jen Bowen

    “But I expect that wouldn’t do.”


    I take a slight resentment to that tone –

    You really have little base to put such a harsh judgment on anyone, let alone someone who is as involved in Asheville as myself.
    I participate a helluva lot of issues concerning this city and just because I can’t be in every battle or fight doesn’t mean I’m not walking the walk for other issues.

    You have minimally offended me – I’d rather maintain a dialog (which is what City Council should have done in the first place) rather than have attacking judgments.

    Personally I feel that the partisan decision would make it much easier and affordable for an individual independent, such as myself, to run for city council.

    Remember – truth is only found in our own perspective. Your “truth” and mine are probably not the same, but that doesn’t mean we can’t share ideas.

    Respectfully – Jen

  5. I’m offended that you made a broad generalization that the Republican party was in charge of the petition drive.

    But hey, if that helps you sleep at night, by all means make those generalizations.

  6. silverman

    “so what do you do when republicans run as independants?”

    Dan stitt: where you came from, huh? words like that are ill-advised in these parts.

    but, i wonder, are you one of those folks who thinks that Democrats are ‘the answer’ just because they are, by default, not Republicans?

    because i think this whole (partisan election) issue really shows how most of the “progressives” in this area are just partisan Democrats.

    i mean, if a Republican wants to run as an Independant, why would that be a problem? are you implying that you dont actually look into the issues to see where a candidate stands? You just vote against the “R’s” or for the “D’s”???

    This is, i imagine, a large part of why so many people are up in arms about this “Fab Four Takeover” Because they are completely irritated with this attitude. I, persoanlly, voted for all of those fools because i (perhaps stupidly) thought that they would represent a balance to the Mayor McDevelopment attitude on the council a few years ago. Unfortunately, they only represented yet another Partisan Faction who wants to muscle their own dogma through Council.

  7. tim green

    I wrote the preceeding letter and I have no affiliation with any right wing or commercial entity whatsoever. I am about as left as it goes. And believe me when I say that democrats are the lesser of two evils. That is the problem. If you want to throw your weight into the system and support the lesser of evils, fine – perpetuate the system. Nothing will change. We all grew up in this two party system so I understand the difficulty people have in seeing beyond it. It’s hard to smell the shit when you’re standing right in it. Furthermore, to address the actual editorial in question, an independent cannot be a republican. That just doesn’t make a lick of sense. Where’s your party support coming from? A real republican will not split the pie and breach party lines. Thirdly, Jen, how in the world do partisan elections make it “easier” for independent candidates as you put it? The wool has been firmly pulled around your eyes. But like I said, I don’t blame you. They’re good – the politicians are. But I’m sorry you too have fallen for it.

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