V is for violating

Thank goodness, someone actually had the nerve to tell it like it really is. Jenna Ashley Robinson is right on the mark about V-Day and The Vagina Monologues [” V Is for Violating Modesty and Dignity,” Commentary, Feb. 13]. I’ve been waiting a long time to read such an article.

As a health-care provider for many years, I have seen firsthand the horrific results of this type of “sex education” presented by V-Day type methods. It constitutes a jaw-dropping dumbing down of—and ongoing danger to—our society as a whole. We already have rampant sexualization of all aspects of society. We already have plenty of sexual objectification by men. It is tremendously sad to see what women do to women through more of the same grave errors.

People think they are sexually liberated, but they are really sexually enslaved. And the consequences are everywhere to see.

— Suzanne Konopka


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5 thoughts on “V is for violating

  1. Carrie

    Suzanne: I’m confused. How does “this type of ‘sex education” contribute to “horriffic results”? What have you “seen firsthand” that leads you to the conclusion we are “sexually enslaved”?

    Please clarify.

  2. Ashevegasjoe

    abstinence only education leads to more pregnancies and teen S.T.D.’s. That is a fact and has been substatiated by every study done on the issue. Sex Ed. doesn’t lead to more sex, it leads to more informed decisions and more use of birth control.

  3. dav

    “People think they are sexually liberated, but they are really sexually enslaved. And the consequences are everywhere to see.”

    I think that is a good point.

  4. Since there wont be any good paying jobs for them when they graduate high school anyway, why not just turn the little buggers loose and let em multiply?

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