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About Brent Brown
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30 thoughts on “… like cats and dogs

  1. Snowflake (Social Justice Worrier)

    “You preach Christian values, but cheer for war…”

    That hypocrisy has been the downfall of conservatives. Isn’t it odd, though, that the tables are now turned and they are supporting someone who is counseling diplomacy and restraint, and the Democrat is chomping at the bit for war.

    • bsummers

      Donald Trump is “counseling diplomacy and restraint”? BWAA-HA-HA-HA-HA-HA-HA-HA-HA!!!!

      • Snowflake (Social Justice Worrier)

        It’s true. Anyone who has been paying attention knows that he’s said that he wants to work with Russia to defeat Islamic terrorism.

        • boatrocker

          Correction- you mean for Russia.

          They’ve got something on Trump, and now he has to ‘do someone a favor’.
          I’ve heard people say that, many people are saying, etc.

          • Lulz

            LOL, even Clinton’s maid has access to classified info. My God, you think this fool should be in government? She doesn’t have the ability to be anything because her years of government, where there are no consequences, have made her completely and utterly incompetent.

          • Lulz

            LOL, I almost forgot. Boat Docker thinks communism is right wing lulz.

    • Big Al

      Sucking up, or caving in, to Putin and disavowing NATO are far from “counseling diplomacy and restraint”, they are acts of complicity in Russian military aggression. On the day he made his anti-NATO remarks, I pledged to pull the lever for Clinton, which for me is all but act of blasphemy.

      • Snowflake (Social Justice Worrier)

        Some people want war so badly they will cross party lines to vote for Clinton. Like the Bushes and Colin Powell who have said they will vote for her also. If that doesn’t make someone say WTF…

        btw, Crimea has been part of Russia for over 1000 years. Khrushchev decreed administrative control over it to Ukraine in the 50s. Putin simply let the citizens of Crimea (95% Russian) decide for themselves what they want. Russia has been an ally of Syria for over 40 years, has a naval base there, and is the invited guest of Syria. Doesn’t sound like aggression to me.

        • bsummers

          Besides, everyone knows that Vladimir Putin is an honest man of the people (and that he looks great on horseback without his shirt).

          Historically the Sudetenland was always part of Germany, and the German-speaking peoples there were mistreated by the Czechs, and maybe we should just look the other way when the guy with the little mustache (who looks great on horseback without his shirt) wants to annex them. What could go wrong?

          • Snowflake (Social Justice Worrier)

            “What could go wrong?”

            Nothing. Crimeans and Russians are both happy with the result. Ukraine is a failed state, so they’re going to be unhappy about everything. If they want to start a war with Russia, I’m sure the latter can handle it.

          • bsummers

            How much is Vlad the Invader’s PR guy (Trump’s former campaign manager Paul Manafort) paying you to feed us the pro-Kremlin propaganda?

          • Lulz

            How much uranium are we selling Russia again? As far as NATO is concerned, when Turkey is killing Kurds who are fighting ISIS while being hostile towards Greece, I’m pretty sure they’re about irrelevant. But then again, we’re supplying ISIS with weapons in Syria while Russia is bombing them lulz.

        • Snowflake (Social Justice Worrier)

          NATO lost any meaningful purpose when the Soviet Union dissolved. They betrayed their commitment to not expand into former Soviet territories. No wonder Russia feels threatened. It would be like Russia moving troops into Mexico and Canada.

          • bsummers

            This horrifying and shortsighted viewpoint, spread by paid Kremlin actors, is part of why Trump is losing conservatives like Big Al up there. Are there enough skinheads and misogynists to take up the slack? We’ll see on Tuesday.

          • Snowflake (Social Justice Worrier)

            Calling me a paid Kremlin actor is libel.

  2. bsummers

    Watch out, Big Al: this is what happened to a Republican who held up a sign saying “Republicans Against Trump” at a rally in Reno just now:

    “This is the man who was ejected from the rally, sparking panic. He was holding a sign: “Republicans Against Trump”

    “Austin told me he was punched, kicked. Someone grabbed his testicles and he his neck was in a chokehold. He said he feared for his life.”

    “He says he’s a Republican. He said he was terrified by how the crowd responded: “I was in survival mode. I knew I could die at that moment.””

    “Austin told me he was punched, kicked. Someone grabbed his testicles and he his neck was in a chokehold. He said he feared for his life.”

    The Secret Service rushed Drumpf off the stage, and a few minutes later said it was a false alarm – no gun was found, just a “commotion”. That didn’t stop his stooges (including his son) from tweeting that he had survived an “assassination attempt”. Let the eleventh hour lie-fest begin!

    • Snowflake (Social Justice Worrier)

      Sounds like a bird dogger. Did you notice that violence ceased at Trump rallies immediately after two top honchos were taken out. Maybe the DNC is just starting to catch back up. Those video exposes took away any their credibility forever.

      • Snowflake (Social Justice Worrier)

        This must be the DNC’s latest last-ditch desperation tactic – get t Hillary supporters to pretend they’re disgruntled Republicans. The guy is a Clinton supporter; he scrubbed his Facebook page with her campaign logo all over it after this episode. Oops!

        • Snowflake (Social Justice Worrier)

          I’m reading some of this guy’s comments, and he sounds just like bsummers – EXACTLY! It’s like they’re reading out of the same playbook. Too funny…

          ““Though I do not agree with many of Hillary’s policies, we cannot allow a fascist/dictator to take our beloved freedoms to simply boost his ego and ‘get back’ at anyone who disagrees. Take what happened to me tonight as a classic example of dictator incitement of violence – against your own Republican brother with a stupid sign.””

          • The Real World

            Anywhere in this thread is a good place to insert this interview. I stumbled across it online last week when posted by a commenter on another website. Didn’t know what I was in for.

            Absolutely riveting! Taped in 1985, this Russian KGB defector described what was to come in America. My jaw dropped as I was listening to it because it HAS occurred as he described. (But, indeed, the brain-hijacked won’t be able to see it. Their denial is firmly affixed; as intended).

            It’s 13 min and the full version is in the top right sidebar. Those with open minds will be interested!

    • Big Al

      I’m not worried. I would not be stupid enough to attend a Trump rally. Trump supporters, like most bullies, only feel bold enough to speak or strike out when they are surrounded by their peers.

      Or when confronting old women.

        • Lulz

          LOL, don’t bother. Al is a democrat shill. Summers won’t admit that Clinton was part of a treaty to sell Russia uranium. These people are insane. You’re arguing with people that are akin to those living next door to concentration camps in Nazi Germany,. In denial of the destructive actions of the left yet vilifying mainly whites for all the nations ills. And will gladly watch as you and I are first financially raided via taxation and then robbed of our freedoms for speaking out against them. We already witnessed this with that goon’s letter demanding an explanation for the Xpress putting in a conservative voter guide. This is what you’re dealing with when trying to talk to them. Don’t bother, they would soon see you put in prison or die than actually see the damage they do.

  3. Peter Robbins

    Shouldn’t the cat be saying “You think you’re better than I”?

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