Women in business: Explore your ideas and see what’s possible

Michelle Fitchett

Editor’s note: For our special Women in Business issue, we asked women in our local business community to share insights they’ve gained through their work in Western North Carolina. Here is one of those stories.

Running a business that also empowers other women has always been my dream. Yet as a mom of four, I also wanted a career that could still give me the flexibility to be at home for my kids most of the time. With those priorities in mind, I was still able to turn my vision into a reality.

In 2012, I founded Sweet Blossom Gifts out of my Asheville home with the mission of helping hardworking women artists nationwide reach their goals. We serve as a virtual marketplace where customers can buy personalized jewelry, all handmade by women across the country.

To other women considering launching their own retail business, especially moms, I want to let them know that it is possible. As demanding as running Sweet Blossom is, working fully online has allowed me to schedule my work around my kids’ schedules when necessary and generally be present for them. Everyone’s situation is different, and while this balancing act can be much easier said than done, I urge those of you considering running a retail business to seriously explore your ideas and see what’s possible. You may be pleasantly surprised.

I also encourage women to take advantage of the vast array of free and nearly free online tools available to small-business owners today. When launching Sweet Blossom, posting on Facebook was critical to getting my products in front of a large audience. In recent years, low-cost advertising on both Facebook and Instagram has helped Sweet Blossom continue to grow. Marketing your business doesn’t have to be overly time-consuming or expensive. A little bit of work on social media goes a long way.

I’m constantly inspired by my fellow women entrepreneurs. You help make Asheville all that it is, and I’m honored to be part of this community.

— Michelle Fitchett
Owner, Sweet Blossom Gifts


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