Council check-ins

In our debut WTF feature, Xpress looks into Asheville City Council check-ins to answer some of the biggest questions about the little-known practice that was cast into the spotlight in late January after Council members were found to have discussed a controversial food distribution ordinance during so-called “check-in” meetings.

Wellness roundup: Birth control no longer requires a prescripti­on in NC

Pharmacists in North Carolina can now dispense and administer certain medications, including some forms of hormonal birth control, without a prescription, according to a state law that went into effect Feb. 1. Both self-administered oral contraception (birth control pills) and transdermal contraception (birth control patches) are available. House Bill 96 also gives immunizing pharmacists expanded […]

Mission Hospital campus

From The Center Square: Another report reveals noncomplia­nce by North Carolina hospitals on price transparen­cy rule

According to a new report by the nonprofit Patient Rights Advocate, only 4 out of 21 hospitals reviewed in North Carolina followed federal price transparency rules in 2021. The organization randomly checked 500 hospitals across the nation. State Treasurer Dale Folwell is calling for federal and state officials to enforce the rules.