“Yes, ABC [Alcoholic Beverage Control] stores are considered essential retail. You’re welcome,” deadpanned Fletcher Tove, Buncombe County’s emergency preparedness coordinator, during a March 26 press briefing on the county’s COVID-19 response.

“Yes, ABC [Alcoholic Beverage Control] stores are considered essential retail. You’re welcome,” deadpanned Fletcher Tove, Buncombe County’s emergency preparedness coordinator, during a March 26 press briefing on the county’s COVID-19 response.
Although the number of craft distilleries in Western North Carolina has increased significantly in recent years, business owners say state legislation is still hampering the growth of burgeoning industry.
The brainchild of River Arts District bar manager Palmer Fox, new Apple iOS application Barley can cut the time it takes bartenders to complete the ABC ordering process by as much as 75 percent.
Lately, it seems as if certain multi-lettered agencies are following the letter of the law, more than the spirit, when it comes to spirits, and particularly malt beverages in beer-soaked Asheville and surrounding areas. Whether a result of too many alcohol-related fests too fast; poor communication from one side, the other, or both; or a new focus to step up enforcement; […]
Under state law, businesses that do not serve a certain amount of food are required to be members-only clubs. Local bar owners and bartenders say the law causes more problems than it’s worth.
Western North Carolina is now home to a growing number of craft distillers making legal moonshine. Blending traditional recipes with new technology and methods, these pioneers are bringing Appalachia’s most fabled and misunderstood product into the 21st century, changing cultural perceptions even as they adapt to shifting economic realities.
I was recently in a local store, intending to purchase a single bottle of wine. I was notified by the cashier that I'd have to wait until noon to purchase this item, as it was Sunday. Is this asinine and arbitrary statute still on the books? Our state legislators need to take on as part […]