“I can’t help but wonder why they would say no to the East Asheville development but approve a another development that mirrors it in so many ways …”

“I can’t help but wonder why they would say no to the East Asheville development but approve a another development that mirrors it in so many ways …”
“While affordable housing is important, shoving developments through in a covert manner is not the way to present new housing solutions to the community at large.”
“The ordinances, as they stand today, are written in such a way that any developer can easily take advantage and get approved with guidelines that are shortsighted for today’s standards and sustainability plan.”
After a tense back-and-forth between members of the board and residents in the audience, the Buncombe County Board of Adjustment approved the development of a 296-unit apartment complex on Aiken Road just south of Weaverville during its Dec. 13 meeting.
A 296-unit apartment complex in North Asheville and a 62-unit townhome development in Arden are up for consideration when the Buncombe County Board of Adjustment meets on Wednesday, Nov. 8.