Rob Sebrell views Foundation as more than just a skatepark. “It’s a sculpture garden of sorts,” he says. “A public, creative space.”

Rob Sebrell views Foundation as more than just a skatepark. “It’s a sculpture garden of sorts,” he says. “A public, creative space.”
While organizers have pulled the plug on the 2013 Lexington Avenue Arts and Fun Festival, they remain hopeful that the beloved street party will return in 2014.
Art beutifies Asheville: I-240 mural made possible by the Asheville Mural Project, one of the programs under Arts2People’s umbrella.
— photo courtesy of Arts 2 People
This Saturday, June 19, Arts2People invites the community to an unveiling of the final “Chess Players” portion of the mural, destined for the Broadway/Merrimon side of the I-240 bridge. All proceeds from the event support the completion of the mural.
Asheville is facing a $1 million shortfall this year. Mostly due to sales-tax decline. Projections for next year’s city budget show a $5.1 million deficit. Mayor Bellamy says the city needs to plan how to replenish savings and asks, “We need to ask how low is too low.”
“LAAFF just comes together. It’s basically anyone who shows up,” explains Erin Scholze, Arts2People’s vice president. That freeform approach might sound unhinged when it comes to planning a festival, but for Asheville’s strictly local Lexington Avenue Arts and Fun Festival, less (structure, that is) is more. LAAFF wants you: Come learn to juggle, make a […]