“My dad used to say that whether a pitcher hits a rock or a rock hits the pitcher, it’s gonna be bad news for the pitcher. That’s the same with cars and bikes.”

“My dad used to say that whether a pitcher hits a rock or a rock hits the pitcher, it’s gonna be bad news for the pitcher. That’s the same with cars and bikes.”
“They need to use lanes that were installed for them in town and be more graceful/courteous on the rural roads.”
Autumn cycling events in the region feature options for all experience levels and highlight the gorgeous landscape while raising money for nonprofits.
The streets of downtown Asheville were free of cars on Sept. 17 — but that doesn’t mean they were quiet. Open Streets Asheville returned for its second year, filling the roadways with people and activities, including art, dance, sports and music.
Asheville on Bikes wants more people to ride their bike to work, and they have a plan to achieve it. “We need to fulfill the mission of changing commuters from ‘interested but concerned,’ to ‘enthused and confident,’” said Mike Sule, director of Asheville on Bikes. Sule presented information at the group’s annual Bike Love fundraiser […]
BioWheels, which has been serving Asheville cyclists for more than a decade, will close its retail operations just after year’s end, according to co-owner/founder Eric Krause. Instead, the company will shift its focus to bike rentals and trails.
The Asheville cycling community has made some major strides over the past few years, thanks in large part to the efforts of Asheville on Bikes. Now, area riders have a new outlet for sharing stories and highlighting upcoming events with the emergence of VeloCity, a quarterly magazine dedicated exclusively to cycling in the Asheville area. Oh yeah, and I’m in it.
I am thrilled to see the growth of alternative transportation being fostered by our vibrant, local culture that is throwing itself into biking, busing, carpooling, etc. I'm also aghast at the dangerous conditions it has created. The unintended side-effect of increasing pedestrian and cycling traffic on our streets is that many people join the cause, […]
There is a project gaining traction in the River Arts District, born of a collaboration between the Hillcrest Community, Southern Off-Road Bicycle Association, West End/Clingman Avenue Neighborhood and other interested parties. Land currently owned by the city of Asheville and the Department of Transportation is being considered for a high-use urban bike skills park. There […]
Asheville events during National Bike Month commemorate those injured while cycling and raise awareness about cyclist rights and bicycle commuting.
Get There Asheville surveys candidates, hosts forum tonight (Thursday)
Firefighter Charles Alexander Diez, facing felony assault charges for allegedly shooting at cyclist Alan Simons‘s head last month, is no longer employed by the city of Asheville. City staff would not reveal whether Diez was fired, or chose to leave his job.
In a 4-3 vote, Council declined to pass a proposed 100-foot zone around Pack Square Park that would force Council approval of new construction there.
Sporting signs (and children in bike seats) about 15 cyclists rode around downtown Asheville Friday to protest the alleged shooting of a local cyclist — and the dropping of an attempted murder charge against the accused gunman.
A grand jury has dropped the charge of attempted first-degree murder against Charles Alexander Diez, the Asheville firefighter accused of shooting a cyclist. Diez is now facing a felony assault charge that carries a much lower potential penalty.
The alleged July 26 shooting of cyclist Alan Simons by Asheville firefighter Charles Alexander Diez has the local cycling community “outraged,” according to one leader. Diez is out on bond, facing charges of attempted first degree murder.
Asheville on Bikes’s Summer Cycle
Take the road less traveled: Trek to Burnsville for a family bike ride that can help get your spring fitness plans off to a good start.
In this week’s Xpress Outdoors section, writer Jack Igelman tells the story of Asheville resident Keith Young, who recently crafted a bicycle frame from bamboo and has plans to build more bikes from the giant grass