“Like all of us, these young people want to see true democracy, wherein there are systems and places for active engagement. Unfortunately, the commissioners’ meeting was not an example of that.”

“Like all of us, these young people want to see true democracy, wherein there are systems and places for active engagement. Unfortunately, the commissioners’ meeting was not an example of that.”
More than 20 teachers, staff members and parents spoke during the three-plus hour meeting in the Minitorium at 175 Bingham Rd., advocating for higher pay for all school employees in front of a crowd that at one point overflowed into an adjacent room with a live stream of the meeting.
Al Whitesides, Anthony Penland, Martin Moore, Amanda Edwards and Don Yelton participated in the second of three Town Hall events.
“We sincerely felt that we had no other recourse than to commit this act of civil resistance because of the secrecy and complicity of elected officials and the business community in making this deal.”
“Providing tax inducements and infrastructure to bring industries here that are not part of the real solution, but are actually part of the ongoing problem, is something that those who truly seek peace, justice and sustainability cannot support.”
“We need to elect new Council and county commissioners who know how to spend our money in the right places, not to please someone who doesn’t like to look at the Vance.”
“Having worked with Terri on a variety of projects in our Sandy Mush community, I know that she is hardworking, decisive, informed and reflective.”
“The recent scandals about misspent economic development funds show that the game was really to create a pool of funds, which certain officials could dip into to spend tax money for their personal benefit.”
“Cutting back on this service only encourages people to put more recyclable material into their regular trash.”
“Council cannot claim to be transit advocates while leaving evening service behind. We must include all routes to 10 p.m. and Sunday and holiday service to 8 p.m.”
“A major investment in electric public transportation will make a huge difference in equity and in achieving our goal of 100% renewable energy! So I invite all who value both social and environmental justice to insist on funding for great, electrified public transportation.”
“Reading that illegals have the temerity to insist that county commissioners do something to stop immigration enforcement should enrage anyone who believes in the rule of law.”
“Expansion is inherently at odds with a commitment to reframing how we think about and respond to so-called ‘crime,’ which is at the heart of what will make diversion effective in the long run.”
“The ordinances, as they stand today, are written in such a way that any developer can easily take advantage and get approved with guidelines that are shortsighted for today’s standards and sustainability plan.”
“Brownie Newman, Jasmine Beach-Ferrara, Al Whitesides and Ellen Frost voted in favor, and the three Republicans made speeches about how they support the environment before voting no.”
“With the deadlock on climate change and attacks on the environment at both the federal and state level, we have a chance here in Buncombe County to make real progress on climate change by establishing a goal of going to 100 percent renewable energy.”
In case you missed them, here are some of Xpress’ most intriguing stories from the week of Sept. 13.
Pre-noon alcohol sales in unincorporated parts of Buncombe County gain approval while pro-cannabis advocates urge commissioners to lean on state lawmakers for medicinal marijuana approval.
Asheville, NC