“I wonder whether he is aware that the synonyms for truism are platitude and banality? “
Tag: Carl Mumpower
Showing 22-42 of 151 results
Letter: How do conservative Christians square support for Trump?
“I must ask these Moral Majority hypocrites, how in hell can you continue to support President Trump and also claim that you are in a position to preach about the morality of any other American citizens, especially those who don’t like him, and I also must question why you helped him get elected in the first place?”
Letter: In praise of stigma
“There should be massive stigma associated with selling or misusing opiates and other drugs for the same reason there is stigma associated with beating one’s wife; murder; molesting children; driving under the influence; misusing starlets; or — in Asheville — being a conservative.”
Letter: The scoop on Mumpower’s dog’s poop
“I can be trusted to clean up after my dog. It’s unfortunate that when it comes to myopia, vilification and fabrication, there’s no matching means to clean up after humans.”
HUMOR ISSUE: A Wanda Greene Christmas Carol
SATIRE: Former County Manager Wanda Greene receives three ghostly visits in this story from the Xpress Humor Issue.
Marxist brothers
Clean filters regularly
How local organizers shifted Asheville politics to the left
Movers and shakers on progressive issues have had increasing success in Buncombe County politics since the turn of the century. Activists and organizers on the left have carved out a stronghold in Asheville where they keep power by setting the agenda for conversation according to some. Meanwhile a rise in disaffiliation with the traditional two parties leaves openings for candidates that don’t fit traditional molds in Asheville politics.
Asheville voters to weigh in on district elections for City Council
Asheville voters will be asked to weigh in on a state plan to create election districts for seats on City Council via a ballot question in this year’s Nov. 7 general election.
Flight of fantasy
Asheville, N.C.
Letter: Why aren’t local media covering possible cuts to vets’ benefits?
“I have to ask why, if local media support American veterans, these main sources of local info are not reporting on the battle going on in Washington over the VA and the future of all vets who served honorably?”
Climate change, aging infrastructure and rapid development fuel Asheville stormwater woes
A changing climate, aging infrastructure and rapid rates of development are contributing to a rising tide of stormwater problems in Asheville. But responsibility for stormwater infrastructure often rests with private property owners, complicating the process of planning and paying for fixes.
Letter: Hoping Buncombe Republicans provide new material for Molton
“Going forward, it’s my hope the 45,000 Republicans in Buncombe County will be working extra hard to give him lots of new material.”
Sharing isn’t caring
Letter writer: We need women’s voices and leadership
“Thank you, women of Asheville and of the world, for standing up to the men who make the rest of us look bad. We need you, we need your voices and we need your leadership.”
Letter writer: Kids inspired at Women’s March
“I was especially inspired by the homemade signs of children, which were beautiful and showed great intelligence..”
Letter writer: Women’s marches spoke to important issues
“Too, these ‘liberated’ women are not safe from the indignity of ‘pussy-grabbing’ by men who feel entitled to give themselves some real live sexy fun at women’s expense. The marchers wearing pussy hats — ‘vagina headgear,’ Dr. Mumpower calls them — were referring to Donald Trump’s boasting on that subject.”
Asheville leaders and organizations weigh in on bond choice
City-sponsored early polling indicated that a solid majority of Asheville voters say they will vote for the proposed $74 million city bond referendum on this year’s general election ballots, and far more local groups and organizations have lined up to support the bond than to criticize it. As with any issue, however, opinion is mixed.
Letter writer: Lawsuit over Trump rally doesn’t stand a chance
“Why does the Asheville Citizen-Times write a story about Mumpower every time he gets five people at a “press conference” and says he is going to find a lawyer and sue?”
Asheville LGBTQ community to celebrate progress, call for change at Blue Ridge Pride Festival on Oct. 1
Author, transgender activist and newcomer to Asheville Tina Madison White reflects on the state of the Pride movement in 2016. White is the director of operations for Blue Ridge Pride Center, which will host its eighth annual Pride Festival Saturday, Oct. 1 in Pack Square Park in Asheville.