“It’s revealing that Asheville’s progressive community literally cringes at diversity of thought exposures found in conservative thinking.”
Tag: conservatives
Showing 1-8 of 8 results
Letter: Notes on letters and comments
“It’s all part of the politics of resentment, of ongoing cultural wars and of a pervasive, modern anti-intellectualism that believes college is bad, professors worse, the curriculum tainted and students needlessly driven into ruinous debt.”
NIMBY Town: Conservative progressives hold Asheville back
“Asheville can become a gilded city, where locals drink from gold-plated reusable straws and feel good about themselves, or it can strive toward a more inclusive vision.”
How local organizers shifted Asheville politics to the left
Movers and shakers on progressive issues have had increasing success in Buncombe County politics since the turn of the century. Activists and organizers on the left have carved out a stronghold in Asheville where they keep power by setting the agenda for conversation according to some. Meanwhile a rise in disaffiliation with the traditional two parties leaves openings for candidates that don’t fit traditional molds in Asheville politics.
Letter: Conservatives attack poor on dental care
“Conservatives’ deflection to ‘personal responsibility’ is a cop-out that hides their lack of solutions to this issue.”
Take heed, Asheville: The dangers of unwanted change
“Perhaps the greatest danger of unwanted change comes from within the city itself, from apathetic and cynical millennials, hippies, anarchists, witches, crystal-worshippers and other folks who simply have given up on politics altogether.”
Electile dysfunction
Letter writer: Council primary reveals ‘Progressives in Name Only’
“Hate to break this to those authentic progressives still attempting to steer Asheville left, but you’ve already lost. A quick glance at our blooming skyline and campaign donor trails reveals who’s really in charge.”