“Her programs prioritize wise strategies for medical pain intervention, a much-needed strategy for curbing if not ending opioid and other rampant addictions.”

“Her programs prioritize wise strategies for medical pain intervention, a much-needed strategy for curbing if not ending opioid and other rampant addictions.”
“Congressman [Mark] Meadows deserves credit for standing up for taxpayers and against special interests in the Farm Bill.”
“He reminds me of the village blacksmith who laid aside his hammer and cooled his forge to stand fast with his neighbors against tyranny at Old North Bridge.”
“He supports health care coverage for all, protecting the environment and public schools.”
“Three good men have applied. But one stands out because of his background, experience and ability to attract the Democratic, unaffiliated, conservative and moderate votes needed to get the job done: Steve Woodsmall.”
“But what I learned is a disappointing reality that, not only do we have to evaluate candidates on their opinions about the issues we care about, we have to evaluate their honesty.”
“To learn more and voice your opinions, come to The District 11 Medicare for All Town Hall in Waynesville, 285 N Main St., on April 23, 3-5 p.m.”
The Brevard College jazz ensemble played in the lobby before two of the democratic candidates for the 11th congressional district, Cecil Bothwell and Tom Hill, tried to hit all the right notes with voters during a debate on March 22. The third democratic candidate running in this race, Hayden Rogers, was unable to attend.
From 3 to 9 p.m. today, July 7, North Carolina’s Joint House/Senate Committee on Redistricting will be held at multiple sites in the state, including A-B Tech’s Asheville campus, Western Carolina University in Cullowhee and Appalachian State in Boone. Registration to speak will begin at each site at 2 p.m. The proposed districts pull the central and southeastern part of Buncombe — including most of Asheville — into the 10th District, currently represented by Congressman Patrick McHenry, Republican.
U.S. Rep. Heath Shuler (D) of Western North Carolina’s District 11 has been appointed to the powerful House Budget Committee, which is responsible for setting federal spending priorities and proposing an annual federal budget for the country. And in legislative action, the WNC congressman has introduced a reform bill to require independent, bipartisan congressional redistricting.