Seeking mental health support can be stigmatized in the culture at large. But for health care providers, the stigma associated with experiencing a mood disorder or feeling overwhelmed can be even more pronounced.

Seeking mental health support can be stigmatized in the culture at large. But for health care providers, the stigma associated with experiencing a mood disorder or feeling overwhelmed can be even more pronounced.
Direct and concierge care are gaining traction in Asheville, offering alternative forms of health care for patients who are looking for more time with their doctors and are willing to pay out of pocket for routine health care, using insurance for catastrophic coverage.
Healing Touch and reiki are energy-work modalities that are finding their way into complementary therapies offered in many mainstream medical settings, including hospitals, hospice and veteran care.
President and CEO of the Mountain Area Health Education Center for a little more than a year, Dr. Jeff Heck says the academic medical center has an eye toward not only training physicians, but thinking about sustainability. And it starts with recruiting and retaining doctors.