TDA President Vic Isley plans to go full speed ahead in promoting tourism

BCTDA President and CEO of Explore Asheville Vic Isley says that in 2024, the TDA will stick to its four strategic imperatives that guide the organization’s decisions and planning: Delivering balanced and sustainable growth; encouraging safe and responsible travel; engaging and inviting more diverse audiences; and promoting and supporting Asheville’s creative spirit.

TDA board hears update on quarterly goals and initiative­s

The Buncombe County Tourism Development Authority board heard a quarterly progress report from Explore Asheville, the TDA’s marketing agency, regarding the authority’s strategic goals and initiatives at its Jan. 24 meeting. Highlights included the launch of a new Asheville-focused destination app, the upcoming redesign of the Explore Asheville website and the unveiling of the Asheville Black Cultural Heritage Trail, which was funded by a $500,000 Tourism Product Development Fund investment in 2018.

Asheville court signage

From Asheville Watchdog: TDA Expenses for US Open: $70K for travel, food, coozies

On top of the $1.3 million Asheville paid to sponsor the U.S. Open tennis tournament, the public tourism board spent more than $70,000 in expenses that included catering and travel for their staff, board members and guests, nearly $25,000 on Asheville-branded beer coozies, and more than $1,000 on floral arrangements.

Roy Cooper at COVID-19 press briefing

Cooper mandates social distancing in retail stores

The new executive order, effective 5 p.m. on Monday, April 13, limits shoppers to 20% of a store’s permitted fire capacity or five customers per 1,000 square feet. High-volume locations such as checkouts must mark six-foot spaces to ensure social distancing in customer lines, and all stores must conduct “frequent and routine environmental cleaning and disinfection of high-touch areas.”