One referendum would authorize $30 million in borrowing for conservation projects while a second referendum would authorize $40 million in bonds for affordable housing efforts.

One referendum would authorize $30 million in borrowing for conservation projects while a second referendum would authorize $40 million in bonds for affordable housing efforts.
According to minutes from a March 17 meeting of the airport authority, work to be financed with the revenue bonds includes expansion and modernization of the terminal, construction of a central energy plant and a new air traffic control tower. While none of the debt will be the responsibility of Buncombe County taxpayers, the county Board of Commissioners must still approve the bond issue.
Data from the Greater Asheville Regional Airport Authority shows that just 1,210 people boarded a plane at the airport in April, the latest month for which information is available. That number marks a 98% decrease from the 61,230 enplanements reported in April 2019.
Beverly-Hanks Realtors celebrated a big year with an awards ceremony Feb. 12. Mega Networking returns to the Asheville Area Chamber of Commerce on Mar. 14. And the cost of renting an apartment rose nearly three percent over the past year, according to an industry website.
“It’s bad enough that traveling by air is not so much fun anymore, but to add insult to injury, parking is highway robbery.”
“The airport should reopen the entire long-term lot in order to ‘preserve choice for passengers.'”
“The airport board and management team are committed to managing the exciting growth as responsibly and efficiently as possible.”
“Like others, I have been deeply offended by the heavy-handed manner in which our airport authority has coerced more people to park in the new parking deck: by closing off 300 spaces in the long-term surface lot.”
As part of an ongoing push for transparency in the wake of allegations of fraud against former county manager Wanda Greene, the county Board of Commissioners will hear a presentation Tuesday about the state of the county’s FY 2017-18 finances.