“On Swannanoa River Road from Biltmore Avenue — especially near the Antique Tobacco Barn and on down toward Tunnel Road — the overgrowth over the river is a sorry sight indeed.”

“On Swannanoa River Road from Biltmore Avenue — especially near the Antique Tobacco Barn and on down toward Tunnel Road — the overgrowth over the river is a sorry sight indeed.”
“To cite one example, trees growing along the Reed Creek Greenway in Montford are currently being enveloped in kudzu.”
Western North Carolina’s wild places and creatures lie at the heart of the region’s appeal, inspiring local artists and attracting visitors from across the globe. Events in 2018 promised to shape the future of those natural resources for years to come.
When invasive plants reach into productive “rich coves” like Sandy Mush, they can choke out much of the region’s native biodiversity. Endangered and sought-after plants such as yellow mandarin, black cohosh and wild ginseng, as well as thousands of other species of native plants and animals, can be at risk.
Some commonly used gardening and landscaping plants cause big problems for WNC’s ecosystem.
I would like to thank the folks who came out to Richmond Hill Park on a cold December morning to hack and kill the enemy: invasive exotic weeds. With the help of the Western North Carolina Alliance, we cut back Chinese privet and multiflora rose, two very nasty nonnative plants that are damaging native forests […]