Dahlias take center stage with events at the Hendersonville botanical garden.

Dahlias take center stage with events at the Hendersonville botanical garden.
Four of Bullington Gardens’ many displays have a special significance this year: Each was designed by a team of Henderson County students as part of the BOOST job skills training program. Developed to give high school sophomores with special needs real-world work experience, the Hendersonville program blooms with the promise of future success.
After more than a year of public input and review, proposed development changes that would bring more downtown projects before Council for review will go to a vote on Tuesday, Feb. 14. The new rules also include a provision for Council to review all hotel projects with 21 rooms or more anywhere in the city.
This weekend, share a story, celebrate a four-legged friend, learn how to keep your garden going through the winter and more. As always, Xpress highlights the best in low-cost weekend entertainment.