“Though they claimed the bill was a ‘disaster relief bill,’ only 11 pages out of 131 had anything to do with helping WNC.”

“Though they claimed the bill was a ‘disaster relief bill,’ only 11 pages out of 131 had anything to do with helping WNC.”
“It is a 131-page mashup of a bill, cynically named, ‘Disaster Relief.’ I can only guess the disaster referred to was their shellacking by North Carolina voters!”
“Whether you currently have a school-age child or you simply care about the quality of education in our state, then voting for candidates who promise to support public education should be top of mind this November.”
“Many conservatives are quick to equate drag queens with pedophilia and other forms of child abuse, but the weight of historical evidence should make us more concerned about trusting children in the company of priests and youth pastors.”
“And if Sen. Edwards wants kids to talk more about protons than pronouns, how about funding up-to-date science labs in our public schools staffed by decently paid teachers?”
“The thuggish behavior of the North Carolina GOP has been a disaster, making us a national laughingstock, and there needs to be some kind of reckoning, and soon.”
“In order to give a gloss of public approval to voter discrimination by Republicans, this time they want a state constitutional amendment to require the photo ID.”