Asheville Police Chief David Zack submitted his resignation on Dec. 15, according to Kim Miller, the city’s communication specialist.

Asheville Police Chief David Zack submitted his resignation on Dec. 15, according to Kim Miller, the city’s communication specialist.
Today, Asheville Watchdog continues its series Down Town, with an examination of the impact of a diminished police force especially downtown, where — as The Watchdog reported in Part 1 — merchants and residents have complained of increased break-ins and shoplifting, of human waste and needles in doorways, and of aggressive panhandlers.
It’s no secret that officers are quitting the Asheville Police Department in droves, but what’s less certain is why officers are leaving. Xpress reached out to more than 50 former APD officers about their resignations. Only two agreed to share their thoughts, both under the condition of anonymity out of fear of professional consequences at their new jobs.
“Zack has been outspoken that violent crime involving shootings, stabbings and murder had reached an unacceptable level, even before the pandemic and his arrival in Asheville.”
“Change will come, and we can all contribute to positive change by pausing to make sure we mix a little compassion in with our anger or arrogance.”
“I urge our city and county leadership to reconsider how we want our law enforcement agencies to be perceived in these particularly turbulent times.”
“We need to challenge the systems that disproportionately oppress black and brown bodies.”