Letting your lawn get a little scruffy in early spring creates a smorgasbord of wild flowers on which pollinators can feast.

Letting your lawn get a little scruffy in early spring creates a smorgasbord of wild flowers on which pollinators can feast.
“A honeybee swarm is one of the most docile things out there. They are just in transition from their old hive to the next home.”
To honor its 10 year anniversary, Bee City USA and its local administrator, Asheville GreenWorks, are holding a yearlong Pollination Celebration.
Since he was a teenager in Charlotte, Mac Franklin knew what his life’s work would be. He began landscaping during high school and continued the career while studying art, industrial art and design at Appalachian State University. After college, Franklin moved west to work for a landscape architect in San Francisco and a nursery in […]
Asheville Pollination Celebration! returns for its eighth year in June. For the first time, the event includes a photography contest.
The Sept. 28 event will offer a milkweed plant sale, children’s educational activities and a monarch gardening workshop for adults.
“To everyone out there, please don’t mow off white clover flowers if you can possibly avoid doing so. Your own life depends on bees.”
Both local and corporate retailers are committing to reduce or eliminate use of the popular but harmful insecticide.
“It’s absolutely not too late to plant,” says Ruth Gonzalez of Reems Creek Nursery in Weaverville.
“In a time when pollinators are in decline and environmental degradation high, surely the shredding mower can’t be that much more trouble (I hate that thing too, by the way).”
“By creating a task force to investigate the risks of a class of pesticides called neonicotinoids, or neonics, the state is leading the battle to get neonics banned.”
Specialty cocktails and food items will celebrate and support pollinators during Bee City USA’s annual week of festivities.
In the past few months, two major chain retailers have been busy bees. Both The Home Depot and Lowe’s have begun phasing out the sale of flowering plants containing pesticides called neonicotinoids, which have been linked to declining populations of bees and other pollinators. “Right now, 80 percent of our flowering plants are neonic-free, and […]
Each week, Xpress highlights notable WNC crowdsourcing initiatives that may inspire readers to become new faces in the crowd. This week features a mural artist’s visual ode to bees, a local kayaking group’s instructional film and the sophomore album of country duo Letters to Abigail.
From the Get It! Guide: Ever doubt that a small group of thoughtful citizens can change the world? Well, according to Bee City USA founder Phyllis Stiles, the evidence of our power to change our environment for the better is literally (buzzing) all around us.
From the Get It! Guide: Pollinators worldwide are in decline, and like the proverbial canary in the coal mine, they’re giving us a warning we should heed. Fortunately, there are ways we can promote and encourage pollinators in today’s challenging environment.