“This Asheville father does not have anything of the truth!”

“This Asheville father does not have anything of the truth!”
Asheville made national headlines the night of June 2, when Asheville Police Department officers destroyed medical supplies and forcibly handled volunteer medics during international protests for racial justice. Xpress spoke with several people present at the medic station; they say the reasons for their outrage go far beyond the damage to supplies.
“I could give you a litany of racial injustice incidents that I’ve personally observed over the years.”
As part of a Feb. 14 “Valentine for the Earth” action organized by Extinction Rebellion WNC, the local chapter of the global environmental movement Extinction Rebellion, the Asheville Police Department arrested 16 protesters for obstructing traffic in front of the Veach-Baley Federal Complex on Patton Avenue.
“It just seems there’s a better, more respectful way to get one’s thoughts across than harassing patrons when they’re trying to enjoy a rare night out.”
“The public needs a better understanding of the challenges the police face daily — and the police need to show greater empathy for the people they’re sworn to protect.”
“When it comes to a point that the Asheville police can’t protect the public without backlash, then what do you want? “