“The group is dedicated to building a healthier, safer and more caring future for our children and grandchildren. This includes meaningful jobs, living wages, health care, supporting families and a sustainable environment.”

“The group is dedicated to building a healthier, safer and more caring future for our children and grandchildren. This includes meaningful jobs, living wages, health care, supporting families and a sustainable environment.”
“Speakers at the rally decried both the county’s lack of transparency and public review in recruiting Raytheon to come here as well as the deadly threat that massive arms sales and bloated military budgets pose to emergency climate-crisis mitigation goals already decades behind schedule.”
“Marrying one of the world’s biggest war corporations has consequences.”
“Bill will work to investigate how Raytheon Technologies’ subsidiary Pratt & Whitney was approved for almost $100 million dollars in varied tax incentives to build a fossil-fuel-intensive airplane parts plant here.”
“While the information and footage of the plant were welcome, what was missing made the segment little more than a puff piece of promotion for the company.”
“Does this mean the county commissioners were dealing in the dark, even down to the $27 million tax incentive package they gave Pratt & Whitney, a $20 billion company?”
“We must ask ourselves, ‘What are we sowing in our community and in our world for generations to come?’ Will we build our economy on poison?”