“From where are your dramatic letter writers getting their misinformation? NPR or rumor or inadequate news coverage?”

“From where are your dramatic letter writers getting their misinformation? NPR or rumor or inadequate news coverage?”
“The common thread in all of it was how happy we are when we are free to simply live our lives and not be constantly under attack from right-wing politicians and so-called Christians.”
The number of complaints filed under nondiscrimination ordinances with city and county governments has yet to top 25, and it appears that no one has been found in violation of the rules so far. According to public records obtained by Xpress, Asheville had received five complaints as of January, and Buncombe County had gotten 17 as of early March.
“Get your minds off of what might or might not be in someone’s pants, legislators, and work on something useful like expanding Medicaid or increasing teachers’ pay.”
Fundraisers to support injured Hendersonville Fire Department Capt. Josh Poore abound, while Western Carolina presents a program exploring the connection between wilderness and wellness.