“Let’s all make women reappear instead of disappear politically and the ‘year of the woman’ commonplace and not just about 2018.”

“Let’s all make women reappear instead of disappear politically and the ‘year of the woman’ commonplace and not just about 2018.”
Local gyms are creating safe spaces for women to work out and are encouraging them to break down gender norms by lifting weights.
“Personally I will be voting for Sheneika Smith, Dee Williams and Kim Roney. I really believe these three amazing, strong, outspoken, forthright, visionary women will make a huge difference that is needed on our City Council.”
The capacity crowd joined staff members of the CoC, event sponsors and colleagues to share breakfast and network with fellow women professionals from a diverse array of local industries. After the breakfast, an awards ceremony recognized three local female leaders in business, executive leadership and the nonprofit world.
As more women work toward leadership roles in the local workforce, female business leaders and local organizations are working to provide the encouragement and resources necessary to help them attain equity and advancement in the workplace. Sharing their wealth of experiences, these community leaders are hoping they can lay the groundwork for the next generation of successful women professionals.
Something sweet is in the air. The seventh annual sweet potato cooking contest and fundraiser is happening Saturday, Oct. 1. This event will also double as the fall open house for the new Homegrown Families Health and Education Center at 201 Charlotte St. The center houses a variety of integrative family health services, including licensed […]
August is National Breast-feeding Month, and Asheville abounds with breast-feeding services for new and expectant mothers. Kimberly Rush, an Asheville lactation consultant, mentions some of the many resources: “We have La Leche League, breast-feeding support groups and many other ways to support and provide information.” Cheryl Orengo, director and educator at Start from Seed, notes that Mission […]
UNCA hosts the F (feminist)-Word Film Festival, Mechanical Eye presents expanded cinema performances and sign-ups open for Toy Boat’s Ten Minute Movies.
While the number of women in politics has definitely grown over the last few decades, “Politics is still a gendered space,” says Debbie Walsh, director of the Center for American Women and Politics. “Women see these institutions and don’t see a lot of people that look like them in charge, and that may lead to a reluctance to run for office.”
At a Peace Summit in Vancouver in 2009, the Dalai Lama declared, “The world will be saved by the Western woman.” So, what can we women of Western North Carolina do to step up to heal our society? Women in today’s world do it all, taking care of everything from our family and friends to our work to our homes, gardens, animals and a million things in between. Too many of us, though, forget to take the time — or take enough time — to care for ourselves, and that’s where women’s circles come in.
In 2011, women held 57 percent of all professional positions in the country but only 25 percent of technology jobs, according to U.S. Department of Labor statistics. Does the Asheville area buck the trend? (Photo by Caitlin Byrd)
The Balsam Mountain Roller Girls want you to be a roller derby star. Kick up your skates at recruitment drives for women and girls on Saturday, Feb. 9 and Sunday, Feb. 10.
It is with pride that I admit I have never felt sexier than when surrounded by 1,000 women, chanting and releasing, getting my hands dirty in the earth, and putting steaming-hot food made with love and herbs into my body.
Women in North Carolina have made progress towards equality in recent decades, but significant disparities remain which affect the daily lives of women in North Carolina and in the nation as a whole.
Two screenings of the film The Invisible War will focus on the systemic problem of rape in the military. Local veteran Mary Joan Dickson (not pictured), was featured in the film and has made it her mission to shed light on the issue.
Frances Perkins abolished child labor, created the 40-hour work week and dreamed up Social Security. Actress Caroline McIntyre will celebrate Perkins’ life and work at a benefit for The League of Women Voters and N.C. Stage Company.
The Blue Ridge Roller Girls season came to an end Saturday, November 19 with a double win over Charlotte. This also marks the last roller derby bout to be held in the Asheville Civic Center, as the team moves to their new home at the Western North Carolina Agricultural Center. The next home bout will […]