Junior League of Asheville’s ChildWatch Tour highlights impact of homelessness on women and children

Press release from the Junior League of Asheville:

The Junior League of Asheville, Inc. (JLA) announces the 19th annual ChildWatch Tour, December 2 from 1:00 to 4:00 at Trinity Episcopal Church. The Tour is open to community leaders and the general public. Participants will learn about the effects of homelessness on women and children in our community through an experiential field trip. The Tour will include visits to the Family Justice Center and Western North Carolina Rescue Mission. The JLA’s purpose is to educate community leaders on the needs of homeless women and children in Buncombe County, and inspire action that will lead to change. Tickets can be purchased through Eventbrite at https://jlachildwatchtour2016.eventbrite.com.

 Alysia Johnson, co-chair of the Junior League of Asheville’s ChildWatch Tour, said “The Junior League of Asheville is looking forward to focusing on women and children facing homelessness in our community for the 2016 ChildWatch Tour. As the Asheville community steadily grows, homelessness continues to be an issue that affects families from all walks of life. Our hope for this year’s Tour is to facilitate discussion about this important issue and to be a catalyst for impactful change in the community.”

 The ChildWatch Tour began in 1998 as a program meant to help leaders in the community become aware of important children’s issues and to inspire action on their behalf. In the past, the Tour has focused on literacy, dental care, transportation, hunger, and child care subsidy.

About Able Allen
Able studied political science and history at Warren Wilson College. He enjoys travel, dance, games, theater, blacksmithing and the great outdoors. Follow me @AbleLAllen

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