“When children see the adults around them take whatever small steps we can to address climate change and community needs, it helps them feel more secure.”

“When children see the adults around them take whatever small steps we can to address climate change and community needs, it helps them feel more secure.”
No parent wants to talk about pornography with their child. No child wants to talk about porn with their parents. These are facts.
Yet John Van Arnam of Black Mountain has taken the Sisyphean task of making sure these conversations occur. Children’s mental and physical health depend on it, he says.
“As a childless divorcee, I had to chuckle at Bettina Freese’s unintentionally funny remark: ‘I’ve had children, and it was more pain than I’d ever even imagined.’”
While an undisputed highlight of living in Western North Carolina is proximity to the great outdoors, there’s something to be said for one’s own backyard. (Better bathroom facilities, for one.) Chances are that during the COVID-19 pandemic, many families have spent more time outside than usual. This year, the best holiday gift might be a […]
Some attendees posed questions such as “How can we see a full list of the ingredients used in this vaccine?” Others offered comments such as “This is child genocide!” and “Time to get a red pill about what’s really going on before too many dead kids are on your karma.”
Teaching children to ride a bike can be nerve-racking for parents and kids alike. And Asheville mom Emi Kubota, a longtime cyclist, realized that while a lot of classes existed to teach kids how to ski, there was nothing for cycling. Kubota, a cycling instructor with the League of American Bicyclists, taught her daughter to […]
“The more we wear masks, the more lives we save.”
Support in Western North Carolina is growing for those with autism spectrum disorder and sensory processing disorder as nonprofits, mental health organizations and neighborhood businesses strive to provide sensory-friendly environments. “Children can have sensory processing disorder or sensory integration issues all by themselves and not have autistic behaviors, but it does flip. If a child has […]
“People with mental health issues can lead full, meaningful lives. Treatment works. Recovery happens. The purpose of NAMI WC is support, education and advocacy.”
The Asheville Museum of Science held a soft opening from 10 a.m. until noon at its new location in the Wells Fargo building at 43 Patton Avenue. In addition to the opening reception, an official ceremony was held to celebrate a $400,000 grant awarded to the museum from the Buncombe County Tourism Development Authority.
Locally, Smart Start of Buncombe County is leading the First 2,000 Days campaign and engaging our community in a conversation around the importance of investing our time and resources in the county’s youngest children and their families.
The other day I popped into the grocery store for some dinner essentials and was immediately reminded that Halloween is just around the corner. Candy and other treats were prominently displayed along with the ghost buckets and pumpkins for carving. It has begun — the season of celebration, family, holidays, food and treats everywhere. I […]
Every nonprofit director has a horror story about the perils of relying on outside funding. “It’s a house of cards,” says Jim Barrett, executive director of Pisgah Legal Services. “Stressful,” says John Lauterbach, executive director of Caring for Children. “It’s competitive every year.” “I’ve done WIC for 28 years now,” adds Georganna Cogburn, nutrition program […]
Research indicates a range of benefits from dining together as a family, including increased consumption of healthy foods, lower rates of obesity and a decreased likelihood of substance abuse, teen pregnancy, depression and eating disorders. In addition, family dining has been shown to increase vocabulary, raise self-esteem, increase grade-point averages and foster family relationships. All this in one hour a day!
True confessions: When I get home from a busy day and it’s time to get dinner on the table, sometimes the last thing I want is “help” in the kitchen from my young daughter. It is easier, faster and definitely cleaner if I do it myself. But after I take a deep breath and remind myself […]
Decemberists frontman and author Colin Meloy and illustrator Carson Ellis will read from the newest in the Wildwood Chronicles series, Imperium, at a book signing hosted by Malaprops on Saturday, Feb. 8, at 7 p.m.
Get ready to learn a friendly lesson or two when Denton the Dragon and David LaMotte come to The Hop Ice Cream Cafe on Tuesday, Jan. 28, from 6-7 p.m. Then head to the Orange Peel on Sunday, Feb. 2, for a Groundhog’s Day Jamboree with Secret Agent 23 Skidoo and The Moodees, a.k.a Mad Tea.
The Asheville area’s holiday offerings include a multitude of palatable family-friendly events. Indulge your family’s senses in holiday spirit with the smells and tastes of local, seasonal fare. Even the littlest bellies will find edible holiday cheer in abundance. The appeal occasionally draws our favorite visitor from the North Pole to dine and mingle with his gracious fans, especially, it seems, when there are pancakes to be had.
Community leaders Terry Van Duyn and Jennie Eblen launched a matching grant challenge to benefit Children First/Communities in Schools of Buncombe County. The organization released a new video to celebrate. Photo by Jodi Ford.
Children of all ages submitted drawings and paintings to Xpress in celebration of the holiday season. See the entire collection here and keep your eye on the paper for the winners.
Most of Mission Hospital’s walls are varying shades of beige, but when you step off the elevator on the third floor, color greets you. This is where adult care ends and the pediatrics unit begins: Ceiling tiles feature original artwork by young patients and white clouds float on blue walls in a playroom down the […]