Dancing with the Local Stars to benefit Mountain Child Advocacy Center, April 26

Press release from Mountain Child Advocacy Center: 

Dancing With The Local Stars is a charity fundraising & dance event that pairs Asheville’s community leaders with professional dancers for an evening of performances supporting local non-profit organizations.

For the 2020 event, MOUNTAIN CHILD ADVOCACY CENTER was chosen as the featured non-profit.  Last year’s star and Mountain Child Advocacy Center board member, Leslie Green, shares her excitement about the event, “Dancing with the Local Stars Asheville has already become one of the most talked-about local fundraising events, thanks to the support of local businesses, organizations, and donors. This show is the “talk of the town” with amazing local community members stepping up and volunteering to compete in what promises to be one of Asheville’s most significant events of 2020. Join in the fun and become a part of the impact!”

On Sunday, April 26th, please join our Diamond Sponsor HCA Healthcare, and our Platinum Sponsors Arby’s Foundation, AVL Technologies, Beverly Hanks, and TD Bank for a night of entertainment for an extraordinary cause.  The production will be from 5:30 to 7:00 p.m. at the Diana Wortham Theatre. Dancing with the Local Stars will pair business and community leaders with professional dancers for a fun-filled night of talent, entertainment, and competition for a great cause.  Tickets are on sale now from $55.00 – $75.00. Tickets may be purchased: In person at the box office during regular hours, by phone at 828-257-4530 during regular hours, or on-line at www.worthamarts.org.  Get your tickets today, this event WILL SELL OUT!

The Dancing with the Local Stars event also encourages our community to go online to www.dwtlsavl.com and vote for their favorite star to help them win the coveted Mirror Ball Trophy.  One dollar is equal to one vote and all these donations will go to Mountain Child Advocacy Center.

Mountain Child Advocacy Center provides child abuse prevention education to adults and 10,000 school children in Buncombe County, and hundreds of child abuse victims receive trauma-informed, evidence-based treatment every year.  Sadly, each year, the need grows.  Your support will help Mountain Child Advocacy Center provide hope, help, and healing for abused children and their non-offending family members.  Mountain CAC works tirelessly serving the children of Buncombe County in our mission to identify & respond to child abuse and neglect; by educating, advocating, and empowering the public to protect children and reduce trauma through a coordinated community effort.

“We are so fortunate to live in a community that values our children, and supports efforts toward making sure that every child has a happy, healthy and thriving life every day,” Geoff Sidoli Executive Director.

Mountain Child Advocacy Center is the National Children’s Alliance accredited children’s advocacy agency providing education, prevention, advocacy and intervention services for abused children in Buncombe County.  Child Advocacy Centers bring the “system” to children. Mountain CAC provides a comfortable space at Mission Children’s Hospital for representatives from the agencies that are naturally involved in the process to interact with the children in one child-friendly location, as well as to collaborate on effective, efficient and child-centered casework.

Mountain CAC is setting the standard for the prevention and treatment of child abuse and neglect.  Annually, it reaches over 9,000 school children with research-based personal safety classes.  Furthermore, highly skilled therapists provide trauma-informed, evidence-based approaches when treating children with trauma symptoms.  The center also offers adult classes and child/family advocacy.

For more information please contact Carla Musgrove at CMusgrove@MtnCAC.org or 828-213-9824.

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