Earlier this year in Nashville, Tenn., the state legislature expelled two of the “Tennessee Three” who protested for gun laws after a school shooting. The press covered the story extensively, and people across the country were outraged by the Republicans’ blatant misuse of their power in attempting to silence their voices.
So where is the outrage and press coverage when the North Carolina legislature implements a plan to dilute the votes and essentially silence the voices of nearly half its population? The newly released, heavily gerrymandered maps mean that the N.C. U.S. House delegation will change to 10-4 or even 11-3 favoring the Republicans from the current 7-7 representation of our purple state.
Here in Buncombe County, the Democrats have held three state representative seats since 2014. The new map targets Lindsey Prather, with the 115th District redrawn to move it from a “safe Democratic” to a “leans Republican” seat. Already the Republican-controlled state legislature has gerrymandered itself veto-proof majorities in both chambers. These new maps will likely extend those majorities.
The Republicans in Raleigh have passed unpopular laws like the 12-week abortion ban, which requires mandatory counseling designed to discourage abortion, multiple doctor visits and a waiting period. They have imposed voter suppression laws, rolled back environmental protections and passed a “Parents’ Bill of Rights” that targets LGBTQ students.
This all makes me mad, actually furious. In a state that voted for Trump by only 1%, our representation in Raleigh and Washington should not be so lopsided. All voices need to be heard. Those in power should respect the people, not cheat through gerrymandering, voter suppression and stripping the governor of his power. The tyranny of these Republicans is breathtaking. Surely this is as or more egregious than the actions in Tennessee. Where is the outrage to this injustice, to the blatant cheating?
— Debbie Resnick
North Carolina was led by Democratic for about 100 years. The Gerrymandering they imposed made anything being complained about today look nonexistent.
Yep…gerrymandering was understood by the clueless masses to be fine as it was always done by the Democrat party of power mongering…for over 100 years in NC until 2010…
…”the clueless masses” huh? ..lol. I love how the whacked out brown shirts always have the inside track on political acumen/ insight …sigh. Well, we know the Rump loves and appreciates you and yours! …always! …well kinda, at least until you’re no longer mildly useful ;)
It was wrong then and it is wrong now.
Voters should choose their politicians. Politicians should not choose their voters.
This is inaccurate. Modern technology has allowed gerrymandering to pin point down to specific streets/neighborhoods in ways that were impossible before. We just have more data and more ability to process it. Interestingly, people are now turning this technology application on it’s head to try and add fairness to re-districting. https://www.theguardian.com/us-news/2021/aug/22/gerrymandering-us-electoral-districts-congress just one example of an article, if you don’t like the source, find your own.
Thanks for the link Mike.
I’m livid about this and sick and tired of the endless games republicans play every time a map is needed. Although they are scrambling to take a voting rights away, at least so far, racial gerrymandering is somewhat protected. Partisan gerrymandering is another story. We need to pass the John Lewis Voting Rights Act.
I was brought up to believe lying, trickery and cheating were wrong!
It’s gerrymandering by the NC MAGA fascists to keep a grip on the apartheid that they’ve wrought and intend to keep in place. Plain and simple.
That was an insightful comment for a Democrat. I was expecting to hear that NC has two GOP senators because of Gerrymandering ;-)
The party in power should not be allowed to draw any election maps period. It’s just a recipe for corruption.
District maps should be drawn by an apolitical organization, or negotiated on by all parties involved to ensure fairness.
Vote Jeff Jackson for Attorney General of North Carolina. He has openly and publicly acknowledged that both parties are guilty, and he aims to end gerrymandering. He also respects the U.S. Constitution.
Too late MV!
My vote has no effect because of………………………………………………………………………………………………………NC Gerrymandering!
Go look at Illinois if your want to see the best gerrymanderers. NYT that famously right wing publication estimates the NET impact of gerrymandering at 3 seats
History shows that Southern Dixiecrats of the 1890s- 1950s followed segregationists Strom Thurmond and Jesse Helms and took over the state and national Republican Party,which is now extremely gerrymandering in 2023. Learning history is fun and useful.
letter writer needs to realize that the majority of ‘blatant cheating’ is done by the evil party of slavery and the KKK, the democrat party of evil