PHOTOS: Buncombe County Association of Educators rallies for increased education spending

The state of North Carolina and Buncombe County government should allocate more funding for education, argued Buncombe County Association of Educators, an organized advocacy group for teachers at a rally June 6.

N.C. Representative Lindsay Prather told a crowd of about 100 attending the June 6 Pack Square event that Republicans in the state legislature were shirking their responsibility to fund public education, but she was still fighting for local teachers and administrators.

Timothy Lloyd, president of the Asheville City Association of Educators led the crowd in chants as children played in the city fountain behind the protestors.

“Public education is the future of our state. Support it and fund it. Our kids can’t wait,” the crowd chanted.

BCAE is advocating for the county to approve a budget that includes the full $13.5 million that Buncombe County Schools Superintendent Rob Jackson put in his proposed budget for next school year.

Buncombe County’s proposed fiscal year 2024-25 budget, which is up for a final vote June 18, includes a $4 million bump for education, split between Buncombe County Schools, Asheville City Schools and AB-Tech. BCS would get $3.4 million of the increase.

Xpress photographer Caleb Johnson was at the rally and captured the following images.

All photos by Caleb Johnson.


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One thought on “PHOTOS: Buncombe County Association of Educators rallies for increased education spending

  1. Teknik Informatika

    What specific actions did Lindsay Prather say she was taking to support local teachers and administrators?

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