Haas Kowert Tice parlays high-profile influences into captivatin­g sounds

The three players of Haas Kowert Tice met at various music festivals as college students and found they liked jamming and hanging out. The friendship endured even as they moved in various directions careerwise. Bassist Paul Kowert now plays with The Punch Brothers, fiddler Brittany Haas with Crooked Still and guitarist Jordan Tice with Tony Trischka. Reconvening in Nashville, and sharing equally in the creation of new material, “everything comes off of our individual instruments more,” says Tice.

Costs and benefits: What’s the price of riverfront revitaliza­tion?

In her landmark 1955 book, The French Broad, Asheville author Wilma Dykeman said the river was “above all, a region of life, with all the richness and paradox of life.” She described a watershed rich in flora and fauna, ranging from the “fertile fields and gentle fall” through Transylvania and Henderson counties to the sudden “plunge between steep mountains” around Asheville, “strewn with jagged boulders.”