Mountain medley: Reflection­s on the 2015 Appalachia­n Studies Conference

In an ongoing effort to connect those dispersed communities, the Appalachian Studies Association held its 38th annual conference last month in Johnson City, Tenn. The one-of-a-kind event unites scholars and musicians, activists and academics, to celebrate the often misunderstood region’s distinctive heritage, culture and physical landscape.

The Honeycutte­rs and Foul Mouth Jerk play Isis on consecutiv­e nights

Place The Honeycutters and Foul Mouth Jerk side by side and one can’t help but notice their differences. The former play country roots music while the latter raps and, unless one puts undue emphasis on the “cut” of Honeycutters, even their names reflect opposite sensibilities. But beyond these sonic and stylistic splits, the two Asheville acts have a substantial amount in common.