Milquetoas­t Xpress parody site launches

There’s a certain kind of flattery associated with being the subject of a parody. In this modern age, it may be the best indication that you’ve finally “made it.” After all, for something to be worth parodying, it has to be relevant enough for other people to get the joke. If the new Milquetoast Xpress parody site is any indication, we’ve finally joined the big leagues of local media.

Busk Break: Andrew Dwyer and Davey Bar-Shimon perform “Magic Kalyuka Monkey Man”

There are few places in the world where one can casually cross paths with a duo performing original works on didgeridoo and kalyuka/overtone flute. We’re very fortunate that Asheville is one of them. Here we have Andrew Dwyer (on kalyuka) and Davey Bar-Shimon (on didgeridoo) playing their original tune “Magic Kalyuka Monkey Man” near Urban Outfitters on Haywood Street.

Too much to do on January 15!

Even with the Abigail Washburn show at the Grey Eagle postponed (she was supposed to play Asheville on Saturday, Jan. 15, but landed a Prairie Home Companion gig instead — can’t begrudge her that!), there’s still too much to do on this particular Saturday. Unless you have super powers you’ll never fit it all in. (Still, it’s worth a try…)

This weekend on a shoestring

New Year’s Eve has a tendency to take it out of people, but c’mon folks, you’ve had an entire week to recover! It’s time to get back in the saddle, and we’ve got a rundown of budget-friendly events so you’ve no longer any excuse to stay home. And while you’re here, check out Clubland for a full weekend music schedule.

Conscious Party web extra: Launch of new 10^10 organizati­on and benefit for SEED_Haiti project

Learn about the new nonprofit 10^10, founded by Asheville residents and designers Martha Skinner and Douglas Hecker in response to the earthquake in Haiti, and the organization’s inaugural project, SEED_Haiti, at a benefit/launch on Wednesday, Jan. 12. The event will feature music by Ol’ Hoopty, food by Boca, and a fashion show and silent auction by Royal Peasantry.

Promises, promises

Like the noisemakers, champagne and fireworks of New Year’s Eve, New Year’s Day has its set of traditions: Eating black-eyed peas and collard greens (for luck and prosperity) and ticking off a hopeful list of resolutions. And then a week or a month later, there’s another grand tradition: Breaking all those well-intended resolutions. Well, not […]

Dehlia Low and Firefly Soda

When the weather turns cold and the leaves fall off the trees, it takes a little something extra to warm you up inside. Few things do the trick better than a well-hit Dobro lick. It will sort of explode in your chest and creep out to the ends of your phalanges, making them tingle with […]

Local Spin

[editor’s note: This issue, we launch a new shortie asking local folks what’s they’re listening to right now. … it’s not ground-breaking, but it will be interesting. We’ll check in with local musicians, business owners, politicians and characters. Know of someone with a dynamic iPod? Let us know at] Considering he's the veteran frontman […]