Local apparel company Bow + Arrow “was born of a desire to create something both lovely and wearable,” according to its website. “We ride bicycles, sit on curbs, roll down soft, grassy hills and jump spontaneously into refreshing bodies of water whenever possible,” and they design exactly the right clothing for all of that. Bow + Arrow announces a pop-up shop in collaboration with Marfa, Texas-based Cobra Rock Boot Company. That popular cobbler will make available a limited selection of its coveted South Highland Boot (view it at cobrarock.com). “There is currently a year long waiting list for their boots, but you can walk out the door with a pair at the pop-up,” says a press release. Tuesday and Wednesday, June 3 & 4, 11 a.m.-7 p.m. at Shelter Collective (7 Brevard Road). shopsheltercollective.com/events. Photo courtesy of Bow + Arrow Apparel
Smart Bets: Cobra Rock Boot Company and Bow + Arrow Apparel

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