With lyrics like “I travel light, but I’ve got a whole lotta baggage,” it’s no surprise that NPR listed David Dondero with Tom Waits, Bob Dylan and Paul McCartney in its 2006 roundup of the best living songwriters. Dondero’s latest EP, W/Love!, features six pared-down acoustic covers of his tunes, recorded during a brief break between shows in 2012. The acoustic sampling aches with the transparent, lonesome sensitivity of a true vagabond. Dondero is excited to return to Asheville, his former hometown, though his reason may surprise you: “[Asheville] has one of the most trusted mechanics in the country. I usually wait to get the car fixed in Asheville,” he says. Minorcan, a local rock band with a grungy, growling sound, will open for Dondero at The Altamont Theatre on Thursday, Dec. 1, at 8 p.m. Free. thealtamonttheatre.com. Photo by Laura DeAngelis
Smart bets: David Dondero

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